The beginning of the end...
No, seriously...
Ah, moving on, tomorrow is my first exam of the year...and quite a major one at please forgive me if this post is a bit strange/boring...I think my brain has melted (read: undergone liquefactive necrosis)...
Well, I should thank my (adopted) little sister Jing for introducing me to this wonderful way to take my time away from my all-important studies :-)...and Jean of course for introducing it to Jing, oh and whoever introduced it to Jean...the list goes on (see what I mean about my melted brain?). Oh, and a grand big Hello! to anyone taking time to actually read this post as well! Thanks for the support! Oh yes, and I'd like to thank my friends (you know who you are), family and mentors without whom I would not be the person I am today...(nevermind that last thank-you bit...just me being weird again...)
Well, that's all I can be bothered writing at this stay tuned kiddies for the next exciting installment of "My life as a Wayland"
To be continued...
Excellent blog brother Waylie! 10/10! I got a i feel famous now...hehehe.
Anyway, keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to the next installment of
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JingleBells at Sunday, June 06, 2004 11:29:00 pm
An interesting post...I know I'll keep an eye on this one...see what other sorts of stuff this guy comes up with.
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Anonymous at Monday, June 07, 2004 12:20:00 pm
Nice work wayland! and now that PBS is over i never want to hear about liquefactive necrosis ever again! Thanks for the shout out! I feel so special!
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Unknown at Monday, June 07, 2004 9:15:00 pm
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