What goes up must come down
Ah, I've finally finished my first exam this year...what a great feeling, no more worries...at least for another hour or so...as the name of this post implies...all things fade, eventually, whether they're good or bad...and you're probably thinking "What about cancer?" A valid question I must say, and in response I say "Death".
Well, as you can see I'm still not fully normal...although with luck these posts will get less and less strange as time goes by, but then, maybe not.
It's good to see that more people have posted up comments on my blog :), it will keep me interested, so take note kids! Keep "My life as a Wayland" alive by posting comments! No strings attached! No obligations to buy! Pay by credit card and receive a second blog ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Oh dear...seems like I've really lost is this time...I probably shouldn't be writing this, the pre-exam nerves are starting to creep up on me ever so slyly...luckily I have the whole of tomorrow to study! Yay! Although knowing me, I'll probably end up wasting it on the internet...
Oh well, that's the way things go, and I can't be bothered writing anymore tonight. So until next time kids, keep up the good hygiene and don't be naughty!
can i get a life-time subscription?
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Anonymous at Monday, June 07, 2004 10:04:00 pm
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