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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Before we talk to the spirits, let's try to get our pronunciation right first shall we?

As many of you may be aware, the accepted pronunciation of the word Ouija (a combination of the French and German words for "yes" respectively) is "wee-jee". There are 2 things wrong with this way of saying this particular word.

Firstly, where the hell did the "ee" sound of the second syllable come from? Even though English has many word components of the same spelling pronounced differently (e.g. trough, dough, through, rough etc.) I think making an "a" into an "i" is taking this concept just a tad too far. When you call someone "Wanda" you don't expect them to be addressed as "Wandee", similarly there is no such animal as a Pandee. The rocks are not jeegged and preserved organs are NOT stored in jeers. I hope I've made my point clear.

The second thing wrong with it is perhaps more of a pedantic issue...but it bugs me nonetheless. On the one hand, we have the first part of the word which is pronounced as it should be. So then, where, once again, did the "jee" come from? If we followed the pattern set by the pronunciation on the first syllable, the word should be "wee-ya". This point is different to the first in that I'm confused as to why the "j" sound is included when clearly it should be a "y" sound according to the word itself.

Even if we did manage to contact the spirits using such a device (a topic for another post), I'm sure they would be appalled at the state of the English language, and would surely look down upon us. For shame.



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