"Does that cheat sheet look like it has extra dimensions to you?"
Knowing this, I propose that we create cheat sheets where the extra dimensions can be enlarged so that the sheet is different depending on how you look at it.
Now, given that the most popular theory seems to involve 10 dimensions. From cheat sheet theory, which states that 2 dimensions of cheat sheet will allow 2 pages worth of notes, you can theoretically fit 10 pages of cheat notes onto one of these polydimensional sheets. Another popular theory is the 26 dimension theory. Think of what you could do with 26 pages worth of cheat notes...
The only problem is that the process of unveiling the extra dimensions might be a bit too obvious for the examiners. You would probably have to bring with you some super sized gadget in order to warp space time in order to swap the dimensions around.
So, to combat this I propose another method: bring in a second gadget to put everyone else in your exam into light speed so that to them, you aren't doing anything and then you have all the time you want to do the questions on the exam, which is an added bonus. However, you should watch out for the other people being at light speed for too long, because you might have grown a beard in that time...to your embarrassment I'd imagine.
Well, enough of this transdimensional talk. I have to get to work if I'm to make a profit from this stroke of genius.
um...that's nice wayland
(sorry, too complicated a post for my small mind to process. something about swot and PHYSICS...)
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Friday, September 30, 2005 12:35:00 am
lol....same here jing...i only got something about swot, physics tute and cheat sheets. didn't understand any of that 2d, 3d, 10d stuff...but anyway nice to see you blogging again wayland! :P
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Friday, September 30, 2005 10:54:00 am
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