A little boy's dream comes true...at last...
It's a bit rudimentary at the moment...not too much flesh to the proverbial skeleton just yet but don't worry I'm working on it. In fact, my current FTP uploader expires in 30 days (gasp!) so I will have to either get it finished in the next month (will be hard with exams and everything) or I will have to find a freeware FTP program (recommendations are open).
Oh, and although I currently use Mozilla Firefox (I heartily recommend it to everyone out there), to see the most out of my webpage, you'll have to use IE...there's no getting around that unfortunately, as currently I don't think Firefox supports some of the effects (well only the fixed background and status bar scrolling effects) I've added.
Anyway, hope you guys find that mildly amusing, and I will try to get it updated every now and then. As for me, it's back to learning how badly cigarettes f*ck up your lungs! Oh joy!
Oh my God you're delirious!
GREAT website Wayland. Why it's my new favourite website of ALL time...by a second year medical student at the university of melbourne who lives in ivanhoe and happens to be a giant. and try not to get yourself too down by the fact that i won't ever be visiting your dull little weasle of a site again. lol. nah it's actually quite entertaining! aside from when the simpsons refs started that is...
and i'm sure u'll build up quite a sizeable fan-base and all. but man the colour scheme you got going there...sure is a tough one on the eyes.
and why aren't there any links?
and why don't you put in a comments page over there? having to contact you's too challenging you know.
and that scrolling thing - is it meant to move that SLOOOOOOW?
but all in all - good work on finishing what you set out to do last year!
congratulations! it's a boy (your website i mean)! (or is it asexual as seems to be the fashion for "boys" these days?)
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:24:00 am
Haha! Nice webbie! I'm not working on mine until after exams... damn frontpage. doesnt work
but I think you have done a cool job- just upload some photos or something... so we can see your smiling gob. I mean... handsome face.
Nice job
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:18:00 pm
Ah, the subtlety is lost on you it seems ;). For you see, a lack of links indicate that I think my site is the best and hence I need not redirect you to other sites, because why would you ever want to visit another, undoubtedly and vastly inferior site? You wouldn't. Case closed.
Also...I'm too lazy (the real reason is actually that I wanted to publish the site before my FTP client expired, so links, which was not finished because links are always a sensitive area, had to be sacrificed to please the proverbial masses)...well they might be up in a few weeks or so, but don't expect too much from an exam-panicked little boy.
Oh, and there actually is a link in my site, in "About me" there're 2 links to my blog I believe. Anyway, I figure this site will be a bit of a side hobby in the holidays for me.
Have fun!
Counter-ranted by
Wayland at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 1:10:00 am
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