Ode to lack of ideas (see I'm very creative)
Anyway, I was sitting here reading blogs and making some comments when I realised I always seem to have something to say about other people's blogs but never much to say on my own. Or rather I can be bothered commenting but not posting, because posting requires me to actually make an effort and think of a topic, instead of just adding to an already present topic. Maybe I'm just lazy, but more likely I might be unimaginative *gasp*. Damn you TV! You've ruined my...um...ah well *turns on small portable television*.
Anyway, so instead of actually posting about something I thought I'd post about nothing! That's right this whole post is gonna be a collection of random ramblings that goes nowhere of interest (yes that's right you can tune out now...but beware of the pirhanas in the moat on your way out...they've been starved for a few days now and the moment you wade in you risk stepping on the many pouches of blood that line the floor of the rather shallow body of water. I should've paid the digger more). Now I've lost my train of thought. No matter I'll come up with something. In the meantime please enjoy this informational interlude.
"The arms and legs both rotate 90 degrees during development but in different directions. So, in an adult in the anatomical position the flexor surface of the upper limbs are anterior whereas that of the lower limbs are posterior. This makes sense really, I mean imagine if your legs bent the same way as your arms! Geez you'd look like a freak! Hehe, you wouldn't be able to walk properly, at least not with the gait you have now. Plus you'd be able to kick yourself in the head! Wow what a great party trick! And wouldn't it be freakier still if your arms and legs were switched? But hey, then we'd all have big biceps and triceps and then all people would have to worry about working out are the quadriceps and the hamstrings, and they're already big! And did you know that your hand has 1 more bone in it than your foot? Interesting huh? So on an X-ray the simplest method of telling a hand from a foot would be to count the bones! Wow! Who knew it was all so simple? Now let's not worry about those anomalies or the fact that it's difficult to identify the individual bones on an X-ray of the distal limb."
Nope, still hasn't come back. But I think I'm just about done with this post. Maybe a quick update on what's been happening lately. Um, not much. Okay see ya!
Hey look at me I'm doing a Wayland! Commenting but not posting! Yeah well hopefully I'll have something to post about soon...i.e. when the London AMS lady replies! *fingers-crossed* See, I just emailed off my initial "email of interest" so to speak. Took me all day to read through their website...not that it's boring or anything. It's really cool. Just...long-winded and a tad boring. Oh plus I had to get through all this visa info on the British Embassy website then read through all this info for overseas AMS students blah blah blah. Oh please please please may she like me! And want me to go there! See now I'm too anxious over the whole AMS thing to concentrate on studying! ARGH! Ok, gonna go comment on other people's blogs now. Ciao!
Actually isn't this long enough for a post? I'll just "cheat" and paste this on my own blog as a post I think.
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JingleBells at Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:46:00 pm
Um, first things first this post will not be an actual ode. Yes unfortunate I know but I can't be bothered first finding out what an ode actually is (I know it's a sort of lyrical poem, but beyond that I'm lost) and then actually writing one. Especially when I can learn all about the acetabulum and how the hip joint has mobility without a sacrifice in stability blah blah blah...It's actually really interesting, just often confusing.
Anyway, I was sitting here reading blogs and making some comments when I realised I always seem to have something to say about other people's blogs but never much to say on my own. Or rather I can be bothered commenting but not posting, because posting requires me to actually make an effort and think of a topic, instead of just adding to an already present topic. Maybe I'm just lazy, but more likely I might be unimaginative *gasp*. Damn you TV! You've ruined my...um...ah well *turns on small portable television*.
Anyway, so instead of actually posting about something I thought I'd post about nothing! That's right this whole post is gonna be a collection of random ramblings that goes nowhere of interest (yes that's right you can tune out now...but beware of the pirhanas in the moat on your way out...they've been starved for a few days now and the moment you wade in you risk stepping on the many pouches of blood that line the floor of the rather shallow body of water. I should've paid the digger more). Now I've lost my train of thought. No matter I'll come up with something. In the meantime please enjoy this informational interlude.
"The arms and legs both rotate 90 degrees during development but in different directions. So, in an adult in the anatomical position the flexor surface of the upper limbs are anterior whereas that of the lower limbs are posterior. This makes sense really, I mean imagine if your legs bent the same way as your arms! Geez you'd look like a freak! Hehe, you' wouldn't be able to walk properly, at least not with the gait you have now. And wouldn't it be freakier still if your arms and legs were switched? But hey, then we'd all have big biceps and triceps and then all people would have to worry about working out are the quadriceps and the hamstrings, and they're already big! And did you know that your hand has 1 more bone in it than your foot? Interesting huh? So on an X-ray the simplest method of telling a hand from a foot would be to count the bones! Wow! Who knew it was all so simple? Now let's not worry about those anomalies or the fact that it's difficult to identify the individual bones on an X-ray of the distal limb."
Nope, still hasn't come back. But I think I'm just about done with this post. Maybe a quick update on what's been happening lately. Um, not much. Okay see ya!
P.S. Hehe, I'm so witty *pats self on back*. Okay now back to anatomy...Your hip flexes forwards and your knee flexes backwards! How bizzare. I can see the signs now...
Welcome to bizzaro world, population: me.
Care to join me anyone?
Oh, and good luck for your AMS selection, whatever it is you're doing it's probably really interesting (is it still that prostate stuff?) and I'm sure you'll be accepted. Now, let's all hope Wayland gets into radiology...hehe then I can irradiate you all! Mwahahaha...ahem...I mean, er...yeah...
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:14:00 pm
Jing you didn't add anything you whacko!
Anyway, I noticed some typos and stuff so I'm going to make some edits.
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Wayland at Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:41:00 pm
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Jimmy at Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:59:00 pm
Hey dude. Your post got me thinking: I've never commented on your blog.
Well, here it is; hope you like it. It's my first one after all.
Anyway, keep up the thought-provoking, philosophical, controversial (not), and always grammatically accurate blogging.
Now I'm off to think of all the things I can now finally afford with my $3.67 tax cut...
Counter-ranted by
Jimmy at Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:01:00 pm
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