Disappearing act
But alright, what's been up recently: my computer power supply blew up twice in two days so I've been out of commission for a while. Also, I've been scared off and decided to limit my computer usage.
Anyway, I'm not really that interested in Chinese history, just watching martial arts films, which mostly centre around history. Also, Margaret can get one point for guessing what the guy was trying to answer in the latest Quotemania. And seeing as she was the only one willing to try I will give her both points. By the way the guy was Arnie Pie in the Sky, the guy the helicopter.
Well, like Saman, I won't be posting for a while yet, unless something urgent comes up. Adios.
To be continued...
Ah, now I remember the quote. At first I thought it was Krusty from that episode when he fakes his death and becomes Roy Bellows- that was the only plane crash I could remember- but then I remembered that he doesn't have a wife.
And what's that thing about getting back on the horse? Don't fear your computer. And we'll all celebrate when you come back. Hopefully whatever is making you post isn't a bad thing.
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Fodder at Thursday, January 20, 2005 2:57:00 am
Hey! Don't I get a point for the Arnie Pie in the Sky one? Who was supposed to be reporting on the snow conditions or something. Aha, I'm right aren't I?? Now, gimme my points......OK so maybe I googled it...
Well anyway, I must say your disappearing act is most impressive. Quite the Houdini in training! Ok, hope we get to see you "reappear" someday soon ;).
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JingleBells at Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:09:00 pm
Oh no! Wayland without a computer... thats like umpossible (Ralph W. but i'm sure you already knew that).
Well thank goodness your back! And thank goodness you made a blog (hehe...sorry subvertive toilet humour)
And on that note...
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Unknown at Friday, January 21, 2005 1:40:00 pm
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Anonymous at Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:18:00 am
who is this person shrowded in mysteriously dark darkness wearing nothing but a trenchcoat and a creepy hat...
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Anonymous at Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:20:00 am
oh cool! anonymous yet NOT anonymous comments. The sky is blue. The grass in green. Cows go moo and don't normally clean!
can you guess who i am?
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Anonymous at Tuesday, February 22, 2005 2:03:00 am
just testing
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Anonymous at Tuesday, February 22, 2005 2:05:00 am
i'm guessing the anonymous person is saman. am i right or wrong?
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Anonymous at Friday, February 25, 2005 6:45:00 pm
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