The answer to all your prayers
Anyway, here goes with the answers. Jing, why do you think you should have gotten a job earlier? There was exams and uni and all that! So you're forgiven. And I think I wasn't in that chatty a mood yesterday at all!
In case some of you have forgotten, the Simpsons competition (a.k.a. Quotemania) is still going, but no one's gotten the latest quote! Scroll down a bit to see it. Margaret thought it was Bart, but it wasn't. I'm waiting for the right answer here.
Oh, and seeing as Jean's requested a bit of information on army rankings, I might as well delve into other bits of army knowledge I've picked up over my four years as a cadet. But first the ranks (increasing in rank):
- Private
- Lance-Corporal
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Staff Sergeant (I'm not too sure on this one)
- Warrant Officers (class 1 and 2) a.k.a. Sergeant-Major (I'm not too sure on this one either)
- 2nd Lieutenant
- Lieutenant
- Captain
- Major
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Colonel
- Lieutenant-General
- Major-General
- General
- Field Marshall (in some armies but not the Australian one)
Anyway, something that's been drummed into me by my cadet mentors has been that most of Hollywood is stupid (although it doesn't take a genius to work that out). That is, the use of "over and out" (as is rife throughout movies) is acutally incorrect. For you see, "over" implies the conversation continues whereas "out" means the conversation will be terminated. Now play spot the contradiction. Anyway, to cut a long(er) story short(er) "over" and "out" don't mix. Anyway, there are many, many other radio procedures that have to be followed, but if you're really interested then ask me...otherwise there will be no more on the topic.
Oh and one more thing. In reply to Jean once more: I am aware that blogs don't need to be about what you've done. In fact, I hate having to blog about that. It's so boring to type up and probably is no better to read. Unless of course it was something really totally cool or I have some neat way of making it so...but alas, I've lost my blogging spirit. So much so that I can't even find anything else- frustrations or whatever- to blog about. Absolutely nothing comes to mind...damn...this post is another boring one. I might have to take a break from it all. Go on blogging vacation (I'm not dead, I'm just on vacation!).
Argh alright I'll quit while I'm ahead and bid you all a good life!
To be continued...(perhaps)
Actually, I take it back. You CAN go on vacation. My mob needs to practice using pitchforks anyway. Just remember to wear lots of armour Wayland- 'coz we're not stopping until you come back.
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Friday, November 26, 2004 2:27:00 am
Thank you so much!!! yay! I now have a handy ladder to refer to to! Hmm... ok, i will think about the positions over the weekend (read: i cant be stuffed doing this right now) and inform you soon about the new and improved blarmy. (Blog army geddit?)
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Unknown at Friday, November 26, 2004 11:31:00 am
I know EXACTLY what you mean about blogging being a hassle and not having much to blog about at the moment. I think we all get some degree of "blogger's block" during the holidays. For some reason I think I only ever REALLY feel inclined to blog when I should be doing other stuff.
Anyway, since we have blogger's block isn't it only natural that now I also have commenter's block? I can't think of anything deep or profound to say...'tis the sun outside. The sun is a star...OH, did you know the word for the sun in Indonesian (and probably Malay too) is "matahari"? It's actually really cute cos "mata" means "eye" and "hari" translates to day so it literally means "eye of the day"! Adorable I know!
Oh and another nice little Indon/possibly same in Malay fact for you: "orangutan" is derived from the equivalent Indon term "Orang hutan" which literally means person (orang) of the forest (hutan). Neat ain't it?
Ok, go me for being COMPLETELY irrelevant. Enjoy your blogfree vacation should you decide to go on one!
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JingleBells at Friday, November 26, 2004 2:24:00 pm
hey the last quote...its homers brother, but DAMMIT i cant remember what his name is...something with a H as well [herbie? lol thanks wayland, this is REALLY going to piss me off now] but aahh my memory is failing me in my old age!!
oh and thanks for putting up my lj on your site! however i think this is only coz i sed u and jing are a sweet couple, but i dont care bcoz thats TRUE dammit!
lol cya round on msn! [im talking to you two now, in fact! oOO its like the twilight zone...cue the freaky music]
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Anonymous at Sunday, November 28, 2004 10:13:00 pm
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