And the story continues...
Well okay, since last post, I’ve finished my exams! Yay! What a great feeling! Not really worried about results, I already know I’ve stuffed up one subject, albeit the less important one...Well, moving on, on the day we finished exams, I went out with some friends (Jing wasn’t there unfortunately) to buy presents for other friends. After that were some intense games of mahjong, which I won quite a bit in :D (3 games out of 5, not a bad effort if I don’t say so myself), although some of the others accused me of “playing cheap”, meaning that I didn’t win with big “hands” even though we weren’t playing for money...and I play to win, not to win well :P.
Anyway, on Tuesday...well you can read about that on Jing’s blog, although I didn’t eat that much! But oh, I beat the self-proclaimed master of air hockey at her own game! Hah! I rule...okay, ignore that...I actually am not that good at it...but good enough to beat Jing...sometimes
Well, Wednesday, nothing really apart from what’s already been said, so I won’t waste my precious, precious time (I can do that with such things as Minesweeper).
On to Thursday...not really much...went to a friend’s place; then went to play some pool. All that pool training at uni really paid off! I won a fair bit :D. Then off was I to a friend’s birthday dinner, to which I was almost an hour late...I never knew people could get so, that experience really opened my eyes!
And finally Friday (hey cool, alliteration). Well, fun fun fun (but then, how can anything with Jing not be fun?) at Celina’s place with Singstar and a vicious, vicious game of Monopoly (Jing and I kicked ass!). Singing was fun, even though I totally suck at it (and perhaps the others were laughing at me...or maybe with me, seeing as I agree how bad I sing, hehe).
That wraps the story so far, as tightly as one of my Subway Wraps in fact, and maybe even tighter cos...okay I’ll shut up now...
To be continued…
P.S. Here is the new quote:
So many conflicting emotions, how to express them?
wow wayland, that was one heck of a long busy exciting week! sounded like u had great fun! but i've never heard u sing before...u have to perform solo for me one day.
oh i know the quote!! it was from bart simpson :P
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Saturday, November 20, 2004 3:29:00 am
i hate you i hate all you meds i hate histology and trying to cram 12 weeks worth of stuff in three days i hate keratinocytes and no i do not care what the flipping duodenum does i wish sharpey and langerhans would die actually they probably are... but i wish i could stomp on their grave and throw bits of pharyngeal arch at them laughing manaically like i am doing now AHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:44:00 am
Sorry Margo, it wasn't Bart who said that. And Jean, there there, we meds had to suffer as well, I feel your pain! Cramming 14 weeks in 3 days...not good...and it'll all be over soon. Histology...lucky we didn't have too much of it, it all just looks pink and blue to me...
Counter-ranted by
Wayland at Saturday, November 20, 2004 12:29:00 pm
Can I make a comment that doesn't really relate to what you wrote about? Yeah? OK! Of course I can!! Well I mean it's just that all this stuff we've last blogged about is...really...all out there already. This material's getting old so let's move on from last week...
Um...on second thought I REALLY have nothing to comment about here...
Jean Jean Jean! Don't worry, your exams'll be over soon! Then we'll be able to do FUN stuff!!! And life WILL be sweet :D.
Margaret! Too bad it isn't time Margo, next time.
Wayland! SO good seeing you today :). Sorry I beat you so many times at spit (just to clarify to those who don't know - spit is a card game)...ok it was only twice but hey, we can have more rematches next time we meet eh?
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Monday, November 22, 2004 12:09:00 am
oh he didn't sing like a virgin unfortunately but he did sing superstar...and...wait for this...
BLONDIE!!!! hahaha
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Monday, November 22, 2004 2:14:00 am
i'm sure he didnt sing like a virgin *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
jing, jing, jing- quotation marks were invented for a reason... to take the fun out of sentences for dirty minded people like myself :P
Yes and as the official blog nazi may i say BLOG PEOPLE! if i can churn out 3 posts in the space of a few days in between cramming for histo then you meddies can do much better!
Oh yeah and wayland... i know exactly what you mean about the pink and blueness of all histo slides... that and the fact that everything looks like epithelium...
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:53:00 am
Oh dear! I didn't realise I wrote it that way! I mean er...if we interpret it the way you did Jean then I'm sure he did sing like a virgin...
But here's that same comment, take 2:
oh he didn't sing "like a virgin" (the song by Madonna) unfortunately but he did sing "superstar"...and...wait for this...
BLONDIE!!!! hahaha
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Tuesday, November 23, 2004 5:32:00 pm
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