Can't think of anything to write so here goes with some random crap...
However, I stumbled upon quite a few of those “email this to all those you love/like/consider your friend” emails, and I’m just writing to say that if you sent me a copy but I didn’t send one back to you, it’s not because I don’t love you/like you/consider you my friend. It’s simply a matter of laziness. There. I said it. I’m just a lazy bum who can’t be bothered doing most things. So not to worry :-).
Anyway, a little update on my life. Been a most boring weekend. Work on Saturday night as usual, tutoring Sunday morning (the one question I couldn’t do in the 2003 Specialist Maths exam happened to be the one maths question my student had for me...such is life). Nothing exciting really...getting down to some productive studying finally, and wow, pharmacology was so well taught! I can actually remember most of the stuff I’m reading! Yay! Too bad the same can’t be said of biochemistry and physiology yet...ah well I’ll keep at it.
On another side note, I’m currently involved in an intense bidding competition for Jing on Anna’s blog (you can visit both blogs- the links are on the side-bar). Or if you’re lazy like me, see how the mocktion is going at
Fingers crossed I win, although I do have the huge advantage of knowing Jing very well. But hey, that doesn’t mean I will if you’re reading this and you’re interested, don’t be afraid to go and put up a few bids. It’d make Jing happy if nothing else.
Anyway, I’m also in the lead for a series of “Spot the Lyric” competitions on Jing's blog.But by the looks of things, not for long (damn...).
Ah well...time for me to go. Wow...and I thought I had nothing to say this time around. So until next time...
Adios amigos.
To be continued...
Nice! That WAS a very appropriate title you had there...plenty of "random crap" indeed, haha. Well...except for all parts concerning myself of course.
But nah, it was entertaining enough. Crap is good. Random crap's even better. Hence Random crap from Wayland is like...the equivalence of...a GRAND ROYALE TOUCHDOWN on Aus Idol.
Yep! That's how special you are...even your crap is good, lol.
Anyhow! Good luck on the Mocktion and thanks a bunch for the publicity for my blog :). In case anyone missed's at:
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Sunday, October 24, 2004 9:25:00 pm
Wayland is SUCH a good teacher!Now even I can be a computer geek just like him! Whoopie!
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Sunday, October 24, 2004 9:36:00 pm
Yay! I got publicity as well. All part of the master plan to take over the world. :D
I'd also like to say sorry to everyone that sent me one of those "send this back to me if you love me" things. I don't send them back because I figure if I do, then you'll send it back to me, and then I'll have to send it back to you, until one of us stops and the other gets angry.
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:34:00 pm
I am commenting.
From: Random person who visited Anna's blog and read your comment.
"May you live long my child. And prosper. And, learn that through is not the same as throw."
THE ENDAnd YES I am just showing off.
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:42:00 pm
You wished for comments. Here is another.
Your secret admirer
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:09:00 pm
its the same with me....i like reading chain letters but i just never continue them...don't know why, can't be bothered i guess.
oooooooo, u have a secret admirer? who is it? u've stirred up my curiosity now!
anyway, good to see u blogging again,
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Wednesday, October 27, 2004 1:26:00 pm
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