Guess who's back...
Wayland's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back...
Yes, that's right! I'm back! And guess what, I've actually MISSED blogging! Yeah, I know, surprising! Well, I think Jing had something to do with it. She cheered me right up after I made my "final" post! But let's not concern ourselves with the petty details hey. The important thing here is: I'm finally back! Yes!
My children your prayers have been answered! Today is the day of reckoning! The Lord has come my sons! Hallelujah! Praise to He Almighty! Amen.
Ok...I'm done pretending...back to the Wayland of old.
What has happened this past month (wow I only lasted a pathetic...). Well, not that much really. Apart from me now being REALLY, REALLY, EXTREMELY, UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY! Yay! Go me...
Anyway...really nothing much has happened, just the usual lack of sleep (yes, I've been falling asleep everywhere...on the train, in front of the TV, heck...I can fall asleep standing up sometimes!). But ah well the lack of sleep was worth it!
Um...obviously my blogging absence has made me rusty in terms of saying things...I'm sure I've put at least half of you to sleep by now...heh...ah well...I'll get better, just watch me! All I need to do is get warmed up ;). And yes, that does mean there will be more posts following!
Oh, and thanks for all the support guys! If this post has taught you nothing, know that I couldn't have gotten through the tough times without you. So thanks!
Anyway, bye!
To be continued...
welcome back wayland!!!!
I see that Jing and Margaret's insistance has some use some times...well...its good to have you back with your ultrafunny posts which keeps me upto date with daily med gossip and simpson clips.....I'll make a longer comment when you make a longer post and considering I am commenting at the SCRC with people looking over my shoulder right before the 12pm lecture, I better leave the comment at this....good to have to back man and talk to you later today
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Tuesday, October 19, 2004 11:45:00 am
yeah...the last post was done by me Dr.saman
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Tuesday, October 19, 2004 9:37:00 pm
i'll make a longer comment later as it's 1am now and i've got stupid osce at 10am tmr. yikes! and still haven't looked at what that involves...arghh...
so in short:
- hooray you're back wayland!!! about time!
- hooray u're happy..."unbelievably happy" again!
- nice intro u got there...Eminem right? except the actual lyrics have "Shady" instead of wayland yes? can't remember what the song's called though
ok cya soon wayland!
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:59:00 am
well well well. Look at the disgraced soldier trying to return to the fold. All that fake machismo. (No i am not sore that one of my best 'footsoldiers of the blog revolution' quit on me... due to temporary insanity and emotional distress) Seriously (or not) welcome back Wayland. Everyone lavish attention on him so he will never think of quitting again!
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Wednesday, October 20, 2004 5:43:00 pm
omfg!!! wayland, ur back!!! and i've only just realised...almost a week late!!!! are u really back or am i dreaming right now??? *pinches myself* ow!!! ok ok, i am fully awake right now...ur back for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is unbelievable!!!!!! wow...welcome back...we've all missed u so much....never desert us again. ok? i'll just assume that's a yes from u.
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Saturday, October 23, 2004 5:29:00 pm
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