A long and boring post about nothing
As you can see study has once again made me weird...remember my very first posts? *Sigh*...at least in those days holidays were in sight. Ah, to be young again! Seeing as it’s the middle of the week I think there will probably be another post coming later in the week. I’m not promising anything, however.
So then you ask what was the purpose of this post if another is going to be done? Well...as I’ve said I was bored. Nothing really interesting has happened at all since Sunday, apart from a few scares (but I will not disclose what those were...if you really want to know you can ask me on MSN, which I will be on again tonight, as I am most nights). Yes I have a brief time in which to ramble (about nothing whatsoever) at this very moment. Off to work in a tick, but before let me just whine about that too, seeing as we’re on the subject of complaining about things.
Well work is sucking the life out of me, in some ways that is. This Saturday is the birthday of a very good friend (Stacie), but unfortunately I’ve got work. I’m trying to get time off but the success of that is undecided at this moment...hopefully it will all be sorted out. Ok back to today. Well I’m procrastinating so much now that I really shouldn’t go to work, you know, so I can catch up on all that work I’ve been “doing” today (damn PBL, too much stuff to look up...damn NDM, too much stuff to remember and damn HP, too much reading to do! I’m blind enough as it is! Give us a break people!).
Ok time for me to go guys. Sorry about this long and boring post. I really didn’t have much to say, but I needed something to do to keep me from going cuckoo in the ten minutes after I decided to stop studying and have to go to work.
To be continued...
ah worry not about your studies waylay! it might make u feel better to know that i have not yet TOUCHED this week's pbl. i'm still over a week behind in NDM and i've only read a total of 2 pages for HP. so there...if anyone should whinge it should be me :P
but then subway...u should whinge about that! you're soooo being ripped off! 9 bucks an hour that's child labour i say.
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JingleBells at Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:59:00 pm
lol...don't practise ur typing skills!!!! keep studying! after all, i'm the typing master, i'm too scared that u'll beat me soon. well not if ur typing 1 word per minute - lots of improvement to be done there!
yes i agree with u...damn pbl and ndm - a whole load of crap! as if knowing about the citric acid cycle and glycosis will make us better doctors! haha
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Anonymous at Friday, July 30, 2004 4:22:00 am
You meds! Whinge whinge whinge. Mind you, you have every reason to. Your workload sounds heavy. As for us lazy dents life is still pretty good. We get to do interesting stuff like impression taking and anatomy. But we also have chemistry (wt?) and histology so its not all fun. Well, good luck with pbls. they sound pretty rough.
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Unknown at Friday, July 30, 2004 6:58:00 am
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