Yet another day of merry movies...and other things...
Once upon a time in a homely little neighbourhood far, far away in the paradise of Ivanhoe a young man thought to himself..."I am bored, I wish I could gather a few friends for some fun yet cheap activity". And as an asteroid to the unsuspecting celestial body, an idea hit this young man. He decided to call forth his friends to his homely glen and with them watch some movies. And from there sprung forth a regular (not really) activity to become tradition with mythical origins...
Well now that you know that, well, the tradition has been in fact. Once again my friends made their way to distant lands...their path fraught with danger. Yes many a wild beast and unruly scoundrel had to be by-passed as their perilous journey took them to the farthest corners and the tallest mountains of the Earth.
Well pay no heed to the wording everyone...I’ve just watched "Kill Bill Vol. 1" (sorry Jing, but with bocce and time restrictions we never got around to watch it...) and for some reason it inspired me to write like this...hey don’t look at me, it was Quentin Tarantino who mixed together in the saucepan of his mind various styles of cinema (watch the making of the film, you’ll get what I mean).
In any case back to the original topic of this post. Today was a fun day. After the movie we enjoyed a fine cuisine of pizza and then enjoyed the age old game of bocce. Which I, unfortunately (well maybe not quite, since I had fun anyway), did not win :-( (oh, well done to Benny and Yvonne by the way, for being such bocce masters! And I guess also congratulations to Atandrila, Jing, Vivien and Wen...for a great game and putting up with our rusty and dusty old balls...). After that, being inspired by the movie we watched today, we played the card game "Cheat" a.k.a. "Bullshit", which, happily, I did win! Yay! Go me and my apparent honesty ;-).
Well that’s it for today, a rather long post...for not that much that actually happened, when you compare it to the topics I’ve had before...Oh well, au revoir mes enfants!
Rats! Missed out on the wonderfully intellectual 'Kill Bill' and 'Bocce' (it was a movie right...)! Hey wayland, since your still checking out Anna's blog and given you were featured on it, why dont you put a link to her blog on your blog... a cute msg on the link would be nice to eh?
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Unknown at Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:13:00 am
whoa! that was um...a masterpiece wayland. truly...long...but in a good way. ah...i guess i'll just have to watch kill bill some other day...damn. but at least we saw how to lose a guy in ten days. um...jean, bocce is a game not a movie. yes well that was...OK. can't say i loved it or anything but u and benny sure looked like u enjoyed yourselves.
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JingleBells at Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:41:00 am
lol...what an interesting post! coolies....sounded like you had a great time and lots of fun! oh wayland, be sure to check out deviantart if u haven't done so recently. there's a drawing of u there! wow, ur famous now! and the drawing looked A LOT like you (i think anyway!) man, our jeaniebeanie is a true artist, go jean!!!!! make us proud of you.
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Anonymous at Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:36:00 am
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