Is this the end?
Well, I’m officially in the holidays now. After First Aid today I was a free man. Yes, that’s right, the Wayland you all thought you knew has changed…he now is a qualified First Aider! And if you knew me, you’d be running away screaming right now…yes, today in first aid I managed to decapitate a mannequin, and when I pressed down on the ribs a very peculiar (abnormal that is...) sound was produced, and I couldn’t find the pulse on one of the people I was practicing on (my friend Vivien)...yes, you’d better be careful not to collapse next to me...Although to be honest the test they gave us was a bit of a joke.
The holidays have been quite enjoyable up to this stage. I’ve been going out with friends and doing general…relaxing…stuff…yes…stuff…stuff is good. Beats staying home and doing nothing at least. Well, not always but most of the time anyway.
A friend asked me a very interesting question today: “What do you like about the person you like?”. Well, this really got me thinking. It was not really one thing, but a whole range of things…I thought it was just the person, as a whole, with everything counted in, but who knows. It’s very hard to pin point an answer to such an interesting question. Well my conclusion was that if you truly liked someone there’s not one particular thing you can say that’s the reason you like them. Because it is my thought that if you like someone you will like almost (if not all) everything about them. Well, it applies to me anyway. So I’ll let you guys ponder that…
Actually, after writing that I feel a resurgence of my blogging spirit, so be prepared to see another post in the near future. Well that’s enough for now. Until next time, or if not, see you on the other side!
How can you no longer be interested in blogging? that is unbelievable, evil, terrible and utterly horrible! j/k..well on jean's blog, u commented that certain people have said that ur posts are boring...well i disagree...ur posts are very interesting to read (well apart from that one about the simpsons..i have to admit that was pretty....*yawns* - hehehe - hope i didn't contribute to the termination of ur posts with that comment) but seriously, i'm going to miss ur postings! Beanie, help me out here...put wayland back on track and give him some inspiration and creative ideas. well at least wayland if u are running out of time, make ur bloggings shorter but more frequent!! ok? promise? lol
anyway i'm off to bed now,
Princess Margo
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Anonymous at Friday, June 18, 2004 3:18:00 am
Wayland if you dont frikken post... (is that enough moral support Margo?)
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Unknown at Friday, June 18, 2004 7:52:00 pm
beanie, i said give him inspiration not useless threats!! :)
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Anonymous at Saturday, June 19, 2004 12:47:00 pm
tut tut brother wayland! even I, the catcher of "couldntis...blah blah blah...what did jean say again??" has posted not once but TWICE recently! now, if i can do it, anyone get off your butt and write about...SOMETHING! ANYTHING! just not the simpsons maybe...
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JingleBells at Sunday, June 20, 2004 8:09:00 pm
ahhh wayland thanx for the comment in my blog, i can see that you and i share the same passion and skill for first aid ;) :P
hope to spend many happy resuscitations with you in future dude *LOL*
james z.
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Wednesday, June 23, 2004 12:40:00 am
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