Forced blogging...
I have an excuse, however, for missing out on a post yesterday. For you see after finishing tutoring in the morning I was called over to a friend’s place, where we played an (un)friendly game of Monopoly (yes, that Monopoly money sure does smell sweet…) and various card games (including Uno…damn you and you incessant draw cards…make me draw 16…) and after that I was off to another friend’s place (this friend also happened to be a family friend) where I stayed until the wee hours of the morning, watching the first two Harry Potter movies. Yes it’s true I’ve been converted. Before I had no opinion on the series, now I like it (love is too strong a word…). So as you can see, I have a very valid excuse…what do you mean it’s not good enough! You don’t expect me to go online at two in the morning do you? Ok fine, be like that…
Another update to my life is my driving skills. In these holidays I plan to get my licence. Driving is fun…there’s something about stomping that accelerator and merrily spinning a wheel that really creates a surge of excitement…yes, doing 120 down the freeway is really liberating…unless you hit something…and changing lanes is a nightmare…and going in a straight line is damn near impossible…and my foot cramps sometimes because there’s not enough room in the car (I’m 187cm or about 6 ft 3” by the way)…and the roof of the car is too low…but other than that it’s all good :).
But that’s all for another post, TV calls again, so I must make a sad farewell once again. Hope this post has been enough to tide you over until I can think of something more interesting…
Auf wiedersehen!
hey, that wasn't too bad a post wayland! no offense but i was expecting something boring...but no...quite interesting actually. so i'm really quite surprised no one's commented yet! i think it could be the length of your posts...they're somewhat intimidating...
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Friday, June 18, 2004 12:31:00 am
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