Now for something a little different
In the beginning, the Eternal Simpson in the Sky created the world and on each day He fashioned form his great mind the different aspects of the world. On the fifth day of Creation he made a man but saw that the man had nothing to do bar from frolic with the animals. So He spake “Let there be The Simpsons” and there they were, in their full joyous glory. And spake the man, “Praise the Lord, for thou art infinitely wise. I shall henceforth devote my humble services to thee, great one!”
So it was that man and Simpsons lived in peace, until such time that man felt lonely in his joy for the show. So prayed the man for a partner with whom he could share the gifts of the Simpsons. So took He from the man one tender rib and fashioned out of it an appropriate partner for the man: a woman. Together the man and the woman expressed their love for their favourite show, and produced offspring with whom they could expand the joy known as The Simpsons.
And so it came to be that the race of humanity expanded beyond the borders of the paradise the Lord had fashioned for his beloved creatures and He had no choice but to let them wander the face of the Earth. But there was one who opposed the Eternal Simpson in the Sky, one who became bitter for he did not find The Simpsons at all enjoyable. And he, to undermine His strength, will try at every step and turn to deter His people from the righteous path.
So take heed, for when thou time is due, thou shalt ascend to the sky. Once there the Guardian of the Gate to eternal bliss shall place upon thee one task. That task is to complete one phrase that the Guardian shall ask thee. And if thou art able to complete that phrase thou shalt be forever welcomed and embraced by the Eternal Simpson in the Sky. But if thou shalt fail, then thou shalt fall ever into the darkness of lesser sitcoms and animations never to be let back into the heavenly afterlife.
To be continued...or not...depends on whether I can be bothered...
ahhh wayland this is a great idea for a post... SIMPSONS - the show that we all grew up to. im not so sure about the frolicking with animals bit though.
anyway its important that all us meddies watch the simpsons, we can learn a lot from marge and lisa about ethics, bart about anatomy and physiology, and yes even homer... about the fantastic art of beign a slob ^^
Counter-ranted by
jameze at Saturday, June 12, 2004 4:02:00 pm
Wayland et al.
You ppl spend too much time analysing and preaching about the Simpsons. Fill your brains with something useful... not yellow junk... get a life... and get off the couch...
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Sunday, June 13, 2004 4:54:00 pm
omg...wayland...u didn't post yesterday!!!!!! that's shocking for a guy who is so dedicated. slack i tell u, slack! j/k! well i'm waiting for the next one and it better be a good one to make up for the one u missed!
hehe :p
Princess Margo
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Monday, June 14, 2004 12:08:00 pm
LMAO! That should be in the Bible somewhere. Watching The Simpsons while eating doughnuts... Mmmm....doughhnuts.
Oh, I'm not some random weirdo, I'm a friend of Jean's (just so you're not thinking that I'm that person tyler in disguise!!! -who is that person?!).
Complete the phrase: Trying is the first step towards...
-Homer Simpson
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Friday, June 18, 2004 10:22:00 am
"Trying is the first step towards failure"
-Homer J. Simpson
Hence, I should stop trying to post on my blog regularly :).
Counter-ranted by
Wayland at Friday, June 18, 2004 8:37:00 pm
No, don't stop! I don't even know you and I think that your blog is intersting.
It takes two to lie. One to lie and...
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Sunday, June 20, 2004 9:09:00 pm
Hey thanks Anna! That's really made my day you know :).
"It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen"
Counter-ranted by
Wayland at Monday, June 21, 2004 12:19:00 am
And written on the gate to heaven was, 'Answer me these questions three, ere the other side you see'.
The time has come for the third question: Recite all of Reverend Lovejoy's third sermon.
(just kidding!)
Christmas is a time when people of all religions come together...
-Bart Simpson
Enjoy heaven!
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:15:00 pm
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