The Finale, no encores
I’m retiring from blogging.
No, that wasn't a typo. You read it right. It's for real. Hence I will try to make this one a good one, although the success of that proposition is highly improbable, given the quality of my other posts. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks, after all, but old dogs can still try.
Why retire you ask? Well lots of things. And before you start, it’s not lack of things to say or time. I could go on and on and on if I really wanted to, and surely I would be able to find the time once a week to write a short blog here and there. But, I’m just too tired of all this stuff. I can’t be bothered. I’ve just decided to give it all up. I’m hanging up my typing mitts.
Another major reason is my mood at the moment. I don’t know what’s happened to me, I’m just feeling very down at the moment. Probably what I predict to be the outcomes of my studies this semester. Just feeling very useless right now, and all the things that I have done to cheer me up have been very temporary...a brief instant of absolute joy and extreme happiness and it’s all gone, like it’s taunting me. Getting oh so close so I can just reach out to it and touch it yet not be able to grasp it and hold on to it. Plus there’s SO much stuff I want to say...but won’t, it’s too difficult to say them...and although saying them might bring some relief and joy...well, let’s just leave it at that. Argh! There is HEAPS AND HEAPS AND HEAPS of stuff I want to say! Damn this...and plus I seriously don’t think anyone reads my ranting anymore anyway, except maybe two or three people, and I’m sure no one will miss it. Not exactly life-changing stuff here (maybe no one will even notice it’s gone...haha only joking, my life isn’t that sad...not yet anyway).
To reiterate one of the recurring motives of this much stuff I want to say I think I could write a mini-thesis on it! But, no, must be strong. And before you people start jumping to conclusions, it’s most likely not what you’re thinking, and I REALLY don’t want to talk about it. REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY don’t want to. Really. Get the point? So please don’t bring it up with me. Well you might be able to guess what it is. I mean there are some freakishly smart people out there!
And no, this isn’t a spur of the moment thing. I really don’t think I will be back blogging again. I know that I’ve broken promises before, and I know that today I might not have been in the best of moods (well not just today really...I think my tolerance levels have been way low for a while now...but that’s part of the stuff I didn’t want to talk there, something to tease you guys about). Will I be back? Probably not, I haven’t got any planned comeback posts at the moment, but who knows what tomorrow will bring? What will I do in the mean time? I don’t know. Certainly not blogging (as I’ve spent this whole post trying to say).
Now, I know you must all be curious to know what these unsaid things are. I sure would be, so it’s okay, I understand your yearning (if it exists) to know. But rest assured poor brain, no matter how much they pressure me. No matter what pain they put me through. No matter the teasing and taunting. I will not budge. Trust me, I am (mostly) a man of my word.
Maybe in another life we will meet once more in the blogging world, and have a strong sense of déjà vu, but I’m quite adamant at this point in time and in this dimension that there will be no more posts. I know I’ve said that many, many times already and am just rehashing the same old crap again and again and again. See, I’m doing it already. Ah well, just trying to emphasize my point here.
Anyway this is all I will write for my farewell post. No need to comment. It won’t elicit a response in respect to posting. But don’t worry, I will still comment on other people’s blogs if I feel like it. Whether you visit this blog just to get the addresses to the blogs of my friends or you genuinely wish to read some of the posts, this blog will still be here, and you’re welcome to comment to your heart’s content. If any more things happen on this blog, it might be me amending a statement on this post, adding a few words to this post, editing this get the idea. Anyway, this will NOT be continued...
Au revoir.
Auf wiedersehen.
Goodbye my blogging friends, for ever...
“And so let us part with a love that will echo through the ages.” (You work out where this is know me! Where else could it be from?)
Wayland Wayland Wayland!
You will be SORELY missed. That has to be the saddest post by anyone I've ever read I think.
Well, we'll still get to see you in person I guess...nothing beats the Wayland in real life eh? (hear hear cries the crowd!)
I really hope you're feeling much better by the time you read this. Just remember, your friends will ALWAYS be there for you. Yes, some things are better dealt with on your own but if ever the burden's too great for just the one person to bear, feel free to spread the load.
Any more soppy stuff I can add??
Basically know that everyone who knows you properly is bound to care about you and that we'd help you if we could in anyway :).
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:36:00 pm
oh it's so sad! wayland has made the tragic decision to give up blogging....but that doesn't mean we can't change his mind! so despite what he says: "No need to comment. It won’t elicit a response in respect to posting.", don't listen to him! everyone who reads this blog, please post a comment, even if it's just 1 word! we know how nice and kind wayland is...he listens to everyone...he's not that strong and we can easily persuade him!! hehehehe... trust me on this start commenting!
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:36:00 pm
wow...what an interesting blog...oh by the way, i'm an anonymous 80 yr old man who's on my death bed but still i make the effort of getting up and putting on my glasses and getting out my magnifying glass to read this blog! keep up the good work ....are there any sound effects? or is it just that my hearing aids arent working????
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:41:00 pm
It’s finally happened. Yes, we all thought it would never happen, but it has. The day has finally arrived. After much thought and deliberation, I’ve decided that after this post, i will be making more...indefinitely. Yes that’s right. Wayland is NOT committing blog suicide.
I’m NOT retiring from blogging.
No, that wasn't a typo. You read it right. It's for real. Hence I will NOT try to make this one a good one, because there will be more good ones to come. Save the best for last.
Why NOT retire you ask? Well lots of things. Well there's too much to say and i have so much free time. I could go on and on and on , and surely I would be able to find the time once a week to write a short blog here and there and i will. So I’ve just decided NOT to give it all up. I’m NOT hanging up my typing mitts.
blah blah long to edit..i might as well write a new blog and i will soon. just wait. so farewell for now...
Au revoir.
Auf wiedersehen.
Goodbye my blogging friends, for NOW...
“And so let us part with a love that will echo through the ages.” (You work out where this is know me! Where else could it be from?)
NOTE: this is from Wayland himself...and i'm not drunk..i'm fully alert and normal at the moment...confused? don't be...just wait for the next blog! its coming soon
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:50:00 pm
hi all...
this is another blog from wayland! its just that i have forgotten my password to log in so most of my blogs will now be under anonymous until i remember my password!
well this will be a short blog...nothing has happened much in the past few days. it's finally holidays although we only get 1 week but still better than nothing.
oh sorry about the punctuation today...its just that..well its holidays..there are much better things to do than being gramatically correct!
adios everyone
oh and bart simpson is the best...dammit, i love the simpsons..i can't stop talking about them
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:05:00 am
Hello everyone...just another word from me...I have not forgotten my password (I'm not that stupid...hehe maybe I am in some respects, but let's not get into that...)
Well basically if I make comments I will make them under my own username, not as "anonymous"...unless I want people not to know who made that comment (it's happened before).
Anyway, just to emphasise my point, I haven't decided to start bloggin again...not yet anyway...
Counter-ranted by
Wayland at Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:13:00 am
What? This is the real Wayland... and I have lost my password...Who has cracked into my account, changed my password and make me sound like a lying fool?
Oh by the way, I also like Homer Simpson...He rules the world
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:18:00 am
I think I have bipolar disorder.
Sometimes I feel like being Wayland and sometimes I'm "anonymous". But either way I've decided I like to use correct punctuation and that I will from now on.
I've been tossing up between whether or not to give up on blogging for quite a while now. So I think I've made my FINAL decision: I WILL continue to blog after all (Let's hope I don't change my mind again. If I do, I give you permission to come after me with a weapon of your choice...preferably a blunt object...not too heavy...or bulky).
[To be continued...]
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:20:00 am
:S I'm confused! It's good to hear that you like the various members of the Simpsons family. Homer used to be my favourite- admit it, he gets all the best lines!- but now I'm finding I like Professor Frink and the Comic Book Guy more and more. I think it's my inner geek coming out.
It seems our manic-depressive friend here can't decide whether he wants to blog or not. And is he really the anonymous one or is that just someone who wants him to keep going?
Anyway... just wanted to say that you can't stop blogging! We need you to blog. Look at the number of people who play The Sims. Some people watch people watching TV; how could you possibly think that you're boring?!
Hope you're feeling better and good luck with your studies!
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:15:00 pm
Thanks for the comment on my blog Wayland :)
Anyhow! I think Jean may be right, that everyone DOES indeed know who "HE" is. Or perhaps you don't??
Well yeah, I am posting quite a bit these days. What can I say, it's just a very happening time for me! Actually I was going to post something today...but alas, can't be bothered. Ah well...tomorrow perhaps.
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Friday, October 01, 2004 11:20:00 pm
wow, this is such a popular blog! 11 comments from just 1 post? amazing! it would be more a lot more popular if a certain someone would comment some time soon! hint hint SAMAN!!!!!!!!!!! so much for the promise! grrrrrr.....
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Saturday, October 02, 2004 1:49:00 am
hello everybody(considering you like the simpsons)...seems like jing has tried the best and now she is trying the rest...I have been asked to comment on this blog so that our beloved wayland might feel like filling us with joy again(ie.blogging)...well wayland..please man..just blog and make this poor soul happy...I have truly missed your biblical, diaretic and simpsonic accounts so please blog man..fill us with joy again..come back to the blogging family my son.
I have also been asked to mention this aswell by you know who:..."wayland u r so sexy".. and on that note I wish you a happy bed time and I hope that when I wake up tomarrow and crowl to the computer to check your blog, your comments would shed light on my life like before..(ohh good old times)
cheers in waiting mate,
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Monday, October 18, 2004 10:26:00 pm
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