Look who's come crawling back...(that is, me)
Anyway, to explain my apparent loss of interest in blogging for the past while I could write a whole thesis...but I will spare you folks the details and give the short, summarized version. So here it is:
Well it all start way back, in 1986, when a healthy baby boy was born slightly premature on Chinese New Year Day (that is, February the 9th for 1986 and will be so again in 2046...that is when I will be 60). The parents of this boy lived in a small flat in the outskirts of the great city Beijing (the capital city of the People’s Republic of China) and...
Ok just kidding! I wasn’t really going to tell you my life story (yes that shall be saved for another time...muhahaha). Anyway back to my explanation: I couldn’t be bothered...I just haven’t been in the mood for it. So there. Case closed.
Well to fill you guys in on the details of what you’ve missed would take way too much explanation and to be honest...this isn’t the right time for it. I’m sure most of you know what’s happening anyway...so I won’t waste my pixels. If you bug me enough...I may just budge...or just knock you out to shut you up (ok maybe not, but I can always ask one of my friends to do it for me...)
That’s it for another post! Don’t look away, or you may miss the next post! Oh yes, of course, the real reason that none of you have seen any posts on here recently is that I’ve been writing them and then deleting them about an hour later...yes of course...I’m not lying. See? I’m not some really lazy bugger after all! The lesson to be learnt from this is: post more comments on my blogs or stay here 24/7 (else you will suffer my nagging...)! Yes I want more support people! Don’t we all want to feel loved?
P.S. You can comment on anything you'd like! It doesn't even need to be relevant! Randomness would bring a refreshing breeze (and relevant ones would bring a soothing wind). So comment! Even if it's to correct my grammar/spelling...I don't mind! Really! Even if you say "Oh Wayland is the suckiest sucker who ever did suck" I'll be happy! Comment! Please...can't you see I'm on my knees (ok not really).
To be continued...
does anyone even check blogs anymore? its nice to have you back wl.
*Big sympathy hug
chin up ole chap. what dot kill you only makes you stronger. and other cliches like that. i am soooo creative
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Saturday, August 28, 2004 1:07:00 pm
Oh Wayland is the suckiest sucker who ever did suck.
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:10:00 pm
hahaha...only joking wayland!
but u have to admit u were asking for it :P
anyway...i think i HAVE said that before...probably in that "moment of (extreme) rage" that i presumably had...ok ok that i DID have. anyhow no need to blame all your problems on me. blaming half of them on me would be more than enough!
just to let everyone out there know: i'm not angry with wayland anymore!...after all, who could stay mad with one of their best friends ever longer than a day?
but don't expect me crawling back to that other blog anytime soon...i'm a busy gal these days...places to go, people to see, pigeons to chase...
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:21:00 pm
hey u said u wanted lots of comments so that u'd feel loved and all that.
you didn't say the comments had to be from different people...or that they had to say anything in particular...or even be relevant for that matter...so...
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:24:00 pm
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JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:24:00 pm
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JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:24:00 pm
and who could forget Jesus?
now...of course...he loves you too!
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JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:25:00 pm
might as well chuck in just one more for good measure...
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JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:27:00 pm
er...yes i know u're not religious...but hey, god can be one of a number of people/spirits/objects(?). i mean i consider jeff buckley as god so hey...JEFFERY SCOTT BUCKLEY - aka God - LOVES YOU TOO!
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JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:29:00 pm
ok, this is the last comment!!! seriously! it's just that 9 comments sounds so...odd. so why not make it 10?
anywho, that was one heck of a long post so it DESERVED its fair share of comments.
oh hey since wayland has SUCH a great blog and so has SUCH a widespread fanbase with an incredibly broad audience i'm sure...i might just do a bit of advertising here:
GUYS!!! i'm AVAILABLE! yep, Jing is SINGLE. come one come all (ok, that sounds a bit...wrong. i'm not desperate or anything)...if i like you you may pay for my med ball ticket...if i don't like you...brother wayland can beat u up for me...
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:36:00 pm
err... jing it's possibly not such a good idea to advertise your state of singleness on waylands blog eh? I know you are no longer depressed but i suggest you borrow Bridget Jone's Diary anyway! SINGLETONS UNITED!
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Sunday, August 29, 2004 1:44:00 pm
yeah i have to agree jean. advertising my singleness on Wayland's blog was NOT such a good idea - i mean, still no replies!
but besides that, i've actually seen bridget jones' diary! haven't read the book though...but judging by the movie...hmmm...surely my life ain't THAT bad yet? well at least bridget had a happy ending...hugh grant and colin firth fighting over her...ahaha.
hey have u seen love actually? it's a really good film but honestly it's the most depressing thing to watch when u're all alone in the big wide world...(i know i know i still have my friends blah blah blah)
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Monday, August 30, 2004 7:30:00 pm
On a totally unrelated note to all of that...
Your life seems to be pretty riveting, otherwise we'd stop coming back to find out what has been going on! Keep blogging, and stop deleting!!!
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Sunday, September 05, 2004 12:27:00 am
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