Forget Byzantium, we have Subway
Anyway, to the, er, topic of this post. Although Subway (Eat Fresh...) pays me a measly amount for my efforts it does give me time to think. And I’ve decided that it is my thinking spot. Doing the same routine cleaning rounds gives one a lot of time to ponder the mysteries of life. For example I was thinking about my blog. Then I thought “Why do they call it a blog?” and it struck me like a speeding train and I was literally floored (getting me some glances from my co worker and the customers that happened to be in the store). It’s so called because it is the shortened version of “web-log”. Yes! Aren’t I the smart one! “I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T”
Anyway some other ideas have struck me while I’ve been at work. Like the meaning of life, the nature and origins of the universe and the errors in Einstein’s theory of General Relativity (yes I realised that one small change will make it perfect, singularities or not).
But I’m sure you guys have much more important things to do than listen to me blabber on about that boring stuff! Yes Subway is a goldmine of ideas!
Don’t touch that remote, more to come next week!
To be continued...
i can't think of what to say blogging wayland...terrific typing...
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JingleBells at Sunday, August 01, 2004 12:11:00 am
hey...nice blogging as usual...well i'll post a longer comment later... hahaha :P
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Anonymous at Sunday, August 01, 2004 12:12:00 am
You think Subway (Eat Fresh...) cleaning rounds are boring! Err...actually i cant think of anything else even more boring...hehehe.
Have you been watching the best Simpson's episodes ever on ten?
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Unknown at Sunday, August 01, 2004 9:04:00 am
i have a question for u man. why did they change the motto of subway from "eat fresh" to something retarded like "choose well"?
not only that, they decided to create a jingle that makes me want to go to subway, light the salad bar on fire and then bury it under a big mac...
anyway just curious
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jameze at Saturday, August 07, 2004 1:46:00 am
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