I don't have a shine to me...
Anyway, after the single lecture we had today, I decided to stay back and “study” for a while. What did I study? Why, anatomy of course! Geez...I’m such a nerd...sometimes...
Well anyway didn’t end up having lunch till about 3.30pm and while enjoying my succulent meal of deliciously mouth watering, tender, perfectly marinated...mmm...*drools*...
Ahem, that is to say, during my lunch of Extra Hot Nando’s chicken I watched the Stanley Kubrick classic, The Shining. Well, that is basically what this post is about. It’s a great film, but not the “oh my god I shat my pants because it’s so scary” type of movie that I expected. Yes, it is very freaky (the shot of frozen Jack, that was slightly unsettling...and all that blood and gore...such a visual feast!). But truly, it was an awesome movie. Great suspense. Great angles. Great sets. Great acting (Jack Nicholson is just awesome in his role, truly believable. And those eyebrows...whoa, never seen such a set of evil eyebrows). Great music. It was just great alright? Thinking about it now, had I not been so desensitized too all this horror stuff by spoofs by the delightful Simpsons and watching various other much more gory movies, not to mention all those movies that copied the same idea...okay I’m probably confusing you all. What I’m trying to say here in this jumble of a mumble is that had this been the first horror film I’d ever seen, even at this age, it probably would have had me curled up in a corner somewhere trying to hide. It’s a testament to the movie that it sent some shivers up my spine. The tricycle riding through the halls of the hotel? Just plain creepy! That blood flowing out into the hall? *Shudder*. That creepy old woman in the bath? *Double shudder* The flashes of the two girls in their ghost forms and the flashes to their bloodied corpses? *Triple shudder*. Another great thing about the movie was that it wasn’t just about some randomly insane person going on a rampage. It charted the gradual fall of a seemingly normal man into a spiral of insanity and dropped subtle hints of this along the way. Very good. Probably my favourite film of all time at the moment! Anyway...go see it. But be prepared to get freaked out. If memory serves me right...this movie is meant to be the scariest movie ever, perhaps with some competition from The Exorcist, which I’m yet to see...
Anyway, hope this post was...interesting for you all!
Well that’s it for another night!
Adios amigos!
To be continued...
Whoa! VERY long post Wayland! You musta REALLY loved that film! Well...you did say it's your current fave. But I'm sure I can change that. Just gotta get you to watch "Almost Famous" and "Eternal Sunshine" one of these days ;).
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:21:00 pm
I haven't seen the Shining...
But I was intending to see Eternal Sunshine, Jing... rent it for me? Yes please? Thanks, you're the best!
HA! I remembered to stick my name at the end.
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:40:00 pm
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