Ah, to be loved
Ahem. Sorry, I just wanted some attention.
There are a few people I want to thank (and one particularly special young lady, who I won't embarrass by mentioning but who everyone else should be able to guess...gauging from what friends have said pertaining to the obviousness of the situation). Anyway, a BIG thank you all my friends (you know who you are)! Much appreciated, and I'll try to pay you all back, somehow...
On a side, not totally unrelated, note, there is currently a MocktionTM running on Anna's blog and it seems like yours truly will run away with the wonderful prize! Yay! My first win! And as to what I will "do" with my prize...that has yet to be determined, but it will definitely be something tasteful and possibly fun? Ah, best not to count my chickens before they hatch: I've got some pretty stiff competition (but I have a clear, nearly insurmountable advantage, hehe). But hey, if any of you who still read this blog are interested in giving me a challenge, I'd be happy to oblige to a bit of bid duelling!
Anyway, I won't use up all my renewed bloggin Qi in one night, I will save some for another time. Tomorrow perhaps, but don't hold your breath till you turn blue, fall over, hit your head on the coffee table and doctors say you may have sustained brain damage. The point of this story? I like stories :D. And no, I don't have a crayon in my brain.
Okay, really going now...see you all another time, in another place (perhaps).
To be continued...
LOL nice work once more Wayland! Seems like we both got bored round the same time since I made a new post too.
But yeah, glad you're getting all the attention that you so deserve ;). You've always been there for all the rest of us so why not vice versa eh? So anyhow no need to thank me!
As for that Mocktion! Hmm yeah it DOES look like you'll win but hey, you have one heck of a price to pay! Better deliver Wayland (in both senses of the sentence haha)! But gee..."And as to what I will "do" with my prize...that has yet to be determined, but it will definitely be something tasteful and possibly fun?" Hmm! Something tasteful and possibly fun?? Should I be worried?
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:15:00 pm
Yay, you're back! Was it my constant threat of mobbing? Honestly, if I had more time, I'm sure I would have found a decent sized mob. I heard that you can rent them now anyway. Rent-A-Mob. Not the mafia mob though... argh, Jean, all this mafia stuff on my mind, it's all your fault!
Anyway, welcome back. Don't ever leave again! My list of blogs to read is sadly getting shorter :'(
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:08:00 am
Now where's that new post I was promised?
In the meantime, since I'm using more popular...i.e. less us music on my blog here's a little quiz for you especially!
Save some face, you know you've only got one
Change your ways while you're young
Boy, one day you'll be a man
Oh girl, he'll help you understand
Come on Wayland, can't ask for anything easier than THAT! Surely...
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:10:00 pm
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