Nothing to say so here goes with some random babblings...
The holidays are just plodding along as holidays tend to do. Um yes, plodding...plodding like a Stegosaurus. See what I mean about having lost the will to blog? Well, due to my loyalties to the newly spirited Blog Army, I wil keep blogging, even if it means boring my legions of adoring fans to death.
So, let's get onto the exciting stuff shall we? Hm, that's all.
Well it has come to this. The boring stuff a.k.a. what's been happening in Wayland's life since last time. Well, not really that boring I hope. At least I had fun. But anyway, Let's think back...can't remember what part of the story I got to last time...but well I went to the zoo with my beloved (as I've been told she- Jing- is known to many) and it was fun! All those animals, quite good. Not enough variety I thought, but good enough and the animals were mostly lively, which was good, considering most of the time they're just standing/lying around not really doing much and scratching themselves in various places...oh don't get me wrong, there was plenty of that as well, but just...less than I'm used to seeing...(see what I mean about the boringness?).
Um...what else...went over to a friend's place today to play some computer games on our laptops...quite unproductive trying to get everything working and solving our various computer problems and in the end only squeezed in something like 3 games over 7 hours...hurrah...although that was fun too. bored at the moment...not much chat going on, not doing anything else in case someone starts some interesting conversation. Hm, I'm stuck in limbo!
Hm, I think if I keep up these boring blogs I'll soon be run out of the blogging business by angry mobs and hordes of peasants with pitchforks...Frankenstein style!
Anyway...I don't know if this will be continued any time soon. I've lost my blogging spark I have! No! I can't have! I'm only 18!
To be continued...
LOVELY post Wayland! Sure some may think of it as "boring" as you say but really, it's one of those works of art that only those who are educated enough can recognise ;).
Anyway: SORRY SO MUCH for not talking on MSN before but then you weren't talking to me till I found some potential jobs. But apologies anyhow for not finding a job earlier!
Well...I think that's all...OH, of course you haven't lost your spark! The spark is within you! (Can you guess what song lyric I adapted that from?)
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Thursday, November 25, 2004 12:06:00 am
Attention! My goodness (a good maj-gen never swears) blogs are what YOU make of THEM! (WARNING: Inspiring speech to follow... glaze eyes over and pretend to listen)
I mean it doesnt have to be a litany of what you've done/ not done. It can be an outlet to vent all those pent up emotions and thoughts that cannot be expressed in person (however, if you still sleep with your teddy bear boys, keep it to yourself unless you like quiet ridicule). It can be a way to show your creativity- like the simpson's comp and the lyric comp. It is what YOU make IT!
Over and out.
PS. everyone keep up the good work :P including you wayland. You can do it. We will all support you. In fact your blog is the perfect place to tell everyone else how much you hate blogging! Yay!
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Thursday, November 25, 2004 9:22:00 am
Silly Wayland, the mob is to make sure that you keep blogging. Sorry that out pitchforks and fires are a little scary, we'll try not to stay too close to your house.
I used to be so excited about going to the zoo, but I asked my little sister if she wanted to go, and she didn't seem very interested. Maybe it was all my talk about feeding her to lions.
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Thursday, November 25, 2004 10:15:00 pm
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