| Well, it seems I've missed out on blogging for quite a while now (I haven't yet worked out exactly how many months...but I think a rough estimate would be: many). Anyway, I thought I'd reacquaint myself with the joys of venting my spleen on this little site, and perhaps have people share/object to my woes and various "beefs" with the world. Oh, and not to forget those joys too. That is of course assuming that people still visit this blog, because for a while I was sure it was dead. I even went headstone shopping last Monday. But ah the miracles of medicine these days, where you can't tell who's alive and who's dead and those who would've been considered dead centuries ago are now being called alive! What an age we live in!
Anyway, there's probably not much I could post up here that hasn't been stated other places or through various other means...but I digress. That reminds me of a funny thing that happened actually, one of my tutors stated to the class "but we digress" whereas in fact she was the one doing all the digression (at least in my recollection...although this happened a whole day ago so who knows what kind of distortions I've put on my memory of reality since then), how quaint.
Moving on, let's see...I've just finished my PBL for the week (yay! I didn't stay up till 2 a.m. yesterday for nothing!) and will soon start stressing about our upcoming...a...ass...assign...argh I can't bring myself to say (type) it...okay here goes...assignment...which is on critical appraisal, and is utterly ridiculous given that we've had no training and they've only just started telling us how to do the thing, a whole THREE WEEKS before the damned thing is due! Good on ya! Bloody *expletives removed by moderator* HP people.
Well, that's one spleen vented. Now for the other three, but I'll save them for another day. |
Welcome back! :D
Ummm, this may sound like a dumb question, but do people have more than one spleen? And what are they/is it for anyway?
Counter-ranted by
Fodder at Friday, April 15, 2005 12:46:00 am
wb wy!
headstone shopping? you're not that pessimistic are you?
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Friday, April 15, 2005 6:46:00 pm
I don't get it...why are there four spleens?? What's that a ref to? Somehow it doesn't sound like Simpsons ref but I could be wrong of course...
Anyway, I'm very very surprised you're back! Now, is it a pleasant or unpleasant surprise...hmmm let me think about that one...hmmm...lol jk jk. It's good to have you back of course.
So what made you come back once more? I mean last time I spoke to you on the matter it seemed as if all hope was lost as to your blogging future! *shock horror*
Anyway in answer to the anatomy stuff from my blog...I'm not too sure what you were going on about...lol. BUT, here's this site I found that has a pic on it...just scroll down on this particular page to the pic with arteries in it and click to enlarge etc etc...hope this helps.
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Friday, April 15, 2005 8:17:00 pm
welcome back! thought u had died!
i hate this stupid hp assignment! so bloody stupid this whole critical appraisal crap! so stressed!!!!!! and they can't teach properly! dumb dumb dumb
to make me feel better, give me my simpsons points which i worked hard to earn!
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Monday, April 18, 2005 8:52:00 pm
in my boredom I like to read blogs (e.g. underwear drawer) so NATURALLY I spotted the new addition to the blog list from your site. And well...your friend is really...really REALLY politically inclined! i.e. too much info for me to digest thus I gave up reading it. The subway post was mildly amusing though...ah well back to underwear drawers and mad hatters for me!
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:21:00 pm
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