Darwin in action!
It doesn't actually have much to do with Darwin himself, or his works. Rather, it is based on his theories through a loose definition of it. In fact, you could call it a charter of human evolution in action, or as they put it the site aims to "commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it". In short, it is a collaboration of stories in which people find a way to kill or maim themselves in a funny and utterly stupid manner.
But enough talking, here is the web address: http://www.darwinawards.com/
The way some people find to selflessly remove themselves from the gene pool is mind-boggling and I'm sure most of you will get a laugh or two out of it. Or at least a chuckle. Perhaps a head shake or two then?
I'll give some examples in case some of you aren't convinced. I remember reading about an armed criminal who was being chased by the police. Now, so that be wouldn't be slowed down while trying to deter the police (by shooting at them) he had a stroke of genius and decided to shoot backwards. For a reason that escapes the limited mental capabilities of the author, this man somehow managed to shoot not the police, but himself in the head, and ending his criminal activities once and for all.
I remember this other man who, in order to pull off an insurance scam, decided to enlist the help of his cousin. Now the plan was for the cousin to, believe it or not, amputate this man's leg using a chainsaw, and then for the man to save himself using his knowledge (limited, as it turned out) of first aid. Expectedly, things took a turn for the worse when the man discovered that the bleeding was in fact too profuse for him to stop, and he promptly expired, to the obvious shock of the cousin, who fled but was later apprehended by police (I think he might have turned himself in actually, but memory fails me).
And I remember more than one case of people trying to open hand grenades and other explosives (e.g. landmines etc.) with various forms of saws in order to access the gunpowder inside or see how the thing works. Well, what a surprise for them when they blew up in their faces huh?
Well that's enough from me. Go check it out now!
Nice site Wayland! Kinda awful but very entertaining too I guess. But man...so much death death death. So much stupidity! Hey, a thought just struck me...most of the people who've done stupid things on that site are men aren't they? My goodness they are! It's just like that HP lecturer pointed out yesterday! lol.
Anyhow! Hope you do well in your physical OSCE today, I'm sure you will. If I can pass, anyone can!
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:16:00 am
Hahaha! I forgot all about this! I first discovered the darwin awards back in yr 12. The thought did occur to me to expire in a memorable and idiotic way. But alas... my genes (hehe) are too precious to waste. Thus here i stand. An idiot that lived!
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:11:00 pm
Hey Sundar, is that you? Do you still have your blog? If so, what's the address? I couldn't remember the address to your old one, and you've taken away your profile! So please, share with us all.
Counter-ranted by
Wayland at Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:32:00 pm
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