Back to basics
Hence, I shall try to correct my wrongs and make this post actually about what it's like to be Wayland...
Stuff it I might just change the name of my blog. Or maybe not because I'm too lazy. Oh well, at least I tried.
On another, unrelated topic, I find it funny how a lot of Asians who use chatrooms replace their y's with i's and s's with z's. There's no shortening involved whatsoever and there's not that much difference in terms of ease of typing (although this could be challenged in the case of y vs i). So I'm left wondering what is it meant to represent? Is Internet speech supposed to be a reflection of your real speech in that you develop an "accent" online? Perhaps it originally began as an attempt to sound more cool than fellow chatroom users or was an attempt to gain another aspect of uniqueness in a world where you have no identity bar your username and perhaps the colour of your font. Whatever it's origins, it has become an accepted part of the Internet community and is certainly amusing in some cases (e.g. first time I saw someone express their laughter with the very witchy "kekeke").
And, as a final thought to all that has transpired so far in this post:
Me specks Inglis güt! (Don't ask me why I put an umlaut in there, I just felt like it).
On the asian "english" phenomenon I'm going to contribute this following excerpt from an old friend's blog (hope it helps in the "why do they do it?" department - i can't be bothered thinking further on the topic myself as you can see. or you know, hope it's entertaining - it's ok, i'm not being immoral since none of you know her...hopefully):
'the one'...
i was watching desperate housewives last(monday, 8.30pm, channel 7) n it was abt a woman who broke up wif her bf n start just goin out wif any guy n go pubs n pick up guys n hav lots of fun n stuff... bcos her excuse is dat she wants to move on... n dat woman (A) tries to pull woman B who also just broke up wif her bf to go out lots with her n hav tonnes of fun as well... but woman B refuses to, because she cant move on.. she told woman A dat she cant just go out with any guy bcos dat guy was 'the one' n she doesnt just feel sad or depressed, she actualli feels distroyed on the inside...
so many ppl around mi rite now... cant let go of a person... i see their sorrow n feel sorri for dem n try to convince them dat no one needs a particular person... but they still drown in their own grief n think dat person is their world... i see their weakness n actualli i do think they r pathetic bcos i fink any human can be stronger, it's just u choose not to become stronger, n u choose to b live in misery... but i realize how much of a contradiction im making... bcos i hav da same weakness n wen i do try to forget n try to figure out things... theres always something dat pulls mi back... a memory.. a feeling.. a look... a scent... a picture... just anything... i realize my weakness but yet... how do u define 'the one'? i dont understand... is it just da feeling in ur heart? or is it da person actualli reali suit u? then how do u dat person is 'the one'? is it after u loose them n da pain still remains?
there's a quote from desperate housewives that i realli liked.. n that is 'human are built for many things, but loneliness isn't one of them' i think its so true dat it scares mi...
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Sunday, June 26, 2005 11:43:00 pm
ZOMG!!! LOL!!! sif ud type lke dat lol wtf.
ppl who dun use punctuatn n spelling good shud b shot rofl omg!...
Seriously though, I think it's another example of the whole 'I'm too cool for school' and unconformity mentality of today's teenagers. The idea that anything their parents did (including correct spelling) is uncool and should be avoided.
And yes, for some reason it does seem to be predominately Asians.. i mean, 'Azns' who do it; girls more often than guys. Perhaps you could call this an 'online accent'. And it gives me the shits.
Counter-ranted by
Jimmy at Tuesday, June 28, 2005 2:37:00 am
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