Another boring day in the life of Wayland
So, what's been up lately? Nothing really. Having rediscovered the old game of "Heroes of Might and Magic III", it has been slowly but surely consuming my weekends. Not that there are a great many other things I could be doing with my time. Especially not study, seeing as it is wasted since all the information is learnt during intense cramming (crampede, as I used to say) sessions anyway.
One interesting thing I suppose has been my recently reignited passion for martial arts movies. Having watched Kung Fu Hustle, I went to my local library and collected quite a bounty worth of various movies. One of which was Bruce Lee's The Way of the Dragon, which I must say is very good, and exquisitely choreographed. I'll never get tired of watching Bruce Lee go psycho with a pair of nun-chucks, which were conveniently tucked in the back of his pants, as you do. This movie also single handedly redeems Chuck Norris in my books. Much better than any of his Hollywood drivel or his woeful Walker, Texas Ranger. I suppose one reason this old Hong Kong flick seemed much better is that Chuck didn't actually have that many lines. All he had to do was fight, and he did that well enough.
Well anyway, there were also various birthday celebrations in the past month or so, they were fairly good but I'm too lazy to write anything about them.
...and that pretty much wraps up what's been going on...
I saw Kung Fu Hustle too! It soooo rocks. How cool is the land lady? Although it's weird because half is in mando, and half is in canto... ah well Hong Kong IS part of the mainland again I suppose...
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:59:00 pm
hmm I can't really think of anything relevant to comment about.
Studying sucks: tick
Kung Fu Hustle: haven't seen it
Birthdays: yeah there were a few, all pretty good
blah blah boooored
I don't want to study :(
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:58:00 am
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