Check it out
Anyway, this was just a little break from the reading and the memorising and the study urgh.
I guess the only criticism I have of the lists I have put up is that they aren't really a full representation of what I listen to (obviously, since the limit is 10 artists). Many of my favourite artists aren't on that list. Oh well, it's still a good list. I think it will be updated weekly, that is along with the lists on the original website.
Wayland out.
We waited two months for this!?
Well, at least the Wayland is blogging again! :D
Counter-ranted by
Jimmy at Tuesday, April 04, 2006 5:45:00 pm
argh- too alternative indie rock crap. everyone listen to muse! and aqualung! and nickleback!
and if anyone knows how to fix an iPod...
Counter-ranted by
Unknown at Friday, April 07, 2006 9:23:00 pm
aqualung?!??! they're so boring! strange & beautiful, the album AND the song, are about as interesting as big brother.
and as for nickleback...well...need i even say anything at all? COUGHpaddlepoploinCOUGH.
ok enough slamming BAD music. muse are good. most of the time. alright must stop self from bagging ppl in the music industry...
you know what's good? INDIE...not random tryhard indie...good indie pop/rock. i definitely think the indie genre is at least 50% crap but the other 50% is generally gold. this compared to regular pop/rock crap which is more like 99% crap. i seriously have trouble finding just 2 decent songs in a row on radio these days.
what should everyone be listening to? I'd start with "antony and the johnsons", "cat power", "architecture in helsinki", or there's always "jeff buckley" as you ALL know. If you want profound you could move on to augie march's "Strange bird" or sufjan steven's "illinois". honestly there's so much good stuff out there by people who don't feel the need to shove their music down everyone's throats.
now i know ppl are going to disagree with me and call me narrow-minded...whatever. i just felt like ranting in this space for some reason.
anyway since i've already started ranting i may as well rant about something else here. (you know this comment is quite sufficently to be a post in its own right but who can be stuffed posting?)
do you know what the WORST thing is that giggers do??
now some previously known BAD gigging characteristics are as follows:
1. frontlining - shoving your way without shame to the front even though u've arrived later than everyone else, hitting everyone on your way
2. chattering - SHUT UP PPL WE'RE HERE FOR THE MUSIC not your discussion of who's doing what TOMORROW NIGHT.
3. smoking - still legal in most pubs/clubs/bars. BAN IT ALREADY!
and now...for some UNKNOWN reason, there seems to have arisen a NEW problem with STUPID people who attend gigs: taking photos!
and no, i'm not talking u know...the odd ONE or TWO photos of the band. i'm talking photos THROUGHOUT the night. even during intervals when there was no one on the stage! i mean ok, u wanna take photos with ur friends...why not do it i dunno...ANYWHERE ELSE? where it's not so bloody crowded that when u try to position urselves for that photo u knock just about everyone within a 2 metre radius? but it's even worse when the band's on stage. these ppl just KEEP taking photos during every single song. you can't even dance properly cos they keep shoving their cameras in front of you or above your head. and man those flashes...i feel sorry for the band, they must feel like zoo animals with all those bright flashes in their faces (remember gigs are very dimly lit so it's quite a glare).
ok, that's enough from me. i think i might go and put that same thing on my blog...looks pretty cool.
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Friday, April 07, 2006 11:21:00 pm
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