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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Random? Or tandem...

I've been accused of being really random in my posts, and it's probably true. When I'm bored (such as now) and I feel like typing up some things I use my blog as an outlet. For my creative juices. And I'm not talking about the stuff that comes out of my mouth when I'm near food.

But where does this randomness come from? What is its source? What is the Lake Victoria to is Nile? Um...what is the yellow Sun its Kryptonian heritage (i.e. Superman)? Okay I'm out of analogies now...

I'm sure the real-life me is not as random as the blogging me so I propose to you that my keyboard acts as some kind of conduit. A channel for my thoughts to flow through. The catalyst to my explosion of eclectic electronic emesis, which not only draws the best, but also the worst in some seemingly unpredictable and (hap)hazardous way.

I've also noticed a recent lack of Simpsons references; possibly because I haven't been watching it much lately. So for Old Time's Japanese rice wine, here's a quote: "Can you hold the wheel for a moment? I need to scratch myself in two places at once."

A final word, because I LOVE getting the last word in. Minor annoyance: refrigerator. RefriGerator. NOT refriDGerator. Refer to "frigid", meaning cold. From the Latin root frigus, meaning "cold". The contraction "fridge" is spelt with the DG, but not the original.

That is all.



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