Erm? Um? Om?
If I'm elected to become the new master of this blog, I promise more excitement! More fun! More jocularity! More GRATUITOUS NUDITY! Hopefully that will make more people visit this blog through the miracle of Google. Topless hot celebrity action XXX.
Okay, now that I've increased my readership to horny adolescents (did I just make a tautology?), I shall carry on with my blogging. FINALLY AMS has gone into remission. Although I know relapse is only a few weeks away (it's like a bad rash), I shall enjoy my time being totally AMS-FREE! Seriously it will be good. Those of you out there who think that AMS is a bludge wrong you are. Ahh it's going to be good to finally be able to wake up at noon again, and spend the day doing nothing.
It seems like the fire, the passion for work that I had when I started AMS has been depleted. I've been left with nothing but fatigue and boredom and faeces. So yeah, maybe a break will help me regain my commitment. Or it might just increase my disgruntlement, by showing me what life outside of AMS is like. Greener pastures and all that...
On a brighter side, I was talking to my supervisor a few days ago and I mentioned that I was considering a career in radiology and she said "Yeah you should!". Hopefully that was a reflection of what she thinks of me, and not one of those off-handed encouraging yet ultimately hollow remarks. Anyway, that's me. So how's about you?
That deserves a round of applause. (Everyone join with me) HOORAY to Wayland, the spider extinguisher!
I would have so woken up my Dad.
Counter-ranted by
Anonymous at Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:30:00 am
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