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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

About time

Yes, the time has come. The air is right, the season is spectacularly cold and those pesky neurotic brain cells have decided to refuse learning anything more until they get some sugar and a nap. Not that they ever were very willing to learn much. Not the important stuff anyway. Sure, I could quote random things from the Simpsons, perhaps remember various unimportant facts about things that don't really matter, yet when it comes to medicine it's all just a blur. With some random obscure facts thrown in for good measure.

So what's this all about? I'm bitching about exams is what. Or rather, my inadequate preparation for them. I could probably go on for a post or two about why I think the written exam system sucks major rectum, but at the end of the day it's my own procrastinatory urges (Wikipedia, this is all your fault! Aw, how can I stay mad at you...).

Oh well, at least it'll all be over Friday afternoon. And then I can run wild and free, as the old saying goes let your children run wild and free. Or was it roam? I forget. This happens when I try to cram too much in too little time (i.e. 14 weeks in 5 days...not good). Like when I took that home winemaking course and forgot how to drive.



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