Oh the injustice!
POST-WARNING: Just kidding, but you should still be warned.
I was randomly browsing the radio channels the other day on the way to work (it's still Subway, and if you thought I was no longer working there...it's a bit of a long story, and not the focus of this post) and I heard some murmurings of a Battle of the Bands, of sorts (it's actually some "Music Legend" thing), on Triple M. Intrigued, I came home to look up this ever entertaining event, expecting some sort of satisfaction that some of my favourite bands would have soundly beaten some lesser, albeit often equally popular, bands. To my dismay...the truth was far from what I imagined.
Not having listened to much radio recently, I looked up the battle grid on the internet (http://www.mmmelb.com.au/promo/smackdown/battlegrid.pdf). What I found was most disturbing. For some incomprehensible reason, the draw was TOTALLY BULLSHIT.
Okay, if they did it out of a hat fine. But this draw did not look random. It looked like the work of some maniacal monkey with a penchant for eating kittens.
Here are some examples (taken from the first round) of what I'm talking about:
- Pearl Jam vs. Bob Marley
- Led Zeppelin vs. Eric Clapton
- AC/DC vs. The Beatles
- Pink Floyd vs. Nirvana
There's also the problem of exposure. While the classics from greats such as Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Queen etc. don't get much time on the air because of their age, the new poppy bands (such as Greenday and the oh so despicable Nickelback- no offence to the retards who like them- just kidding, you guys are okay, just your taste in music...please redeem yourselves by listening to something decent) get lots of time on the radio because they have new material out or they're doing a tour in Australia or something like that. So, many of the listeners who vote in these battles haven't heard enough material by all the bands in question, leading to bias or just plain old ignorance (example said by a workmate: "Who's Pink Floyd?", "Money- isn't that an ABBA song?").
There are also some glaring omissions. Where are the other greats such as Jimi Hendrix and Van Halen? I'll admit perhaps Jeff Beck, Jeff Buckley, The Smiths and The Flaming Lips are a bit alternative for the Triple M of now, but if they wanted popular, what about Foo Fighters or The Killers?
Eh, I wanted to say more, but I've had enough of typing for now. Also, I've lost my ranting energy; this post is long enough as it is.
ARGH!! I totally agree!!!!
The most despicable thing here for me is Pearl Jam getting knocked out first round. I mean WHAT THE HELL??
Sure Bob Marley's so cool, he got the cool dreadlocks and the cool accent and he got shot, but come on, can anyone even name me some of his hits? Say...just 3?
Meanwhile here are just some of Pearl Jam's brilliants hits: Last Kiss, Black, Daughter, Jeremy, Betterman, Evolution, Given to Fly, etc etc. IN short, Pearl Jam are an AWESOME band who've come through the years with loads of great music!
Ok another thing: where's Augie March? Are they too alternative? But yeah, I agree Fooeys shoulda been up there.
See triple M, this is why I've given you the flick!
Counter-ranted by
JingleBells at Saturday, April 22, 2006 1:07:00 pm
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