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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Friday, June 16, 2006

Exams: over? Or are they?

It's actually been a week since my exams have finished, so here is my belated internet annoucement: woohoo!

So that's another round of exams over and I didn't even miss any this time around (cf. semester 2...). I won't go into the details of the exams themselves...out of consideration for you, my readers. Also I'm suffering mild post-traumatic stress disorder from the ordeals and hardships faced during said exams. This is just a manifestation of my avoidance behaviour. La-di-da look at those ants on my desk, they sure have no cares in the world except feeding their queen and the rest of their colony. Squish! One down five to go.

Now, I have the bliss of a FULL YEAR without any sort of examination period. Sure, I have to write a 10,000 word essay but that's over at least 6 months (with the other 6 months spent researching and reading past studies...urgh). Horray for the lack of written exams! Jolly good. Cup of tea, then, Bruce. Let's celebrate.

In other news, don't run with a fork in your mouth. Especially not with the pronged side pointing towards the back of your throat. If you should trip...



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