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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Is it noon already?

I know the time, I can read a watch. A Simpsons quote is just too good an opportunity to miss though, even if it has nothing to do with anything. That's just how I operate.

Well anyway, after a long period of neglect I've decided to make one of my obligatory posts that misleadingly suggests that I will be posting in the near future. This is because there is nothing much to make posts about. Uni is mundane and my tendency for debate is subdued by laziness.

Hm, what is there...Well today I got to see a radiologist perform a virtual colonoscopy. This is used when the patient can't tolerate a 3m tube shoved into their colon via the anus. Who wouldn't want this? If you said you (or as you might have thought, "me"), and you are young then you are wrong. The correct answer is: elderly patients. The reason being that virtual colonoscopy uses a CT scan, which exposes your body and especially the little gamete factories to too much unnecessary radiation, since the same can be achieved without radiation. Mutant kids, not a good thing. Neither is sterility. Or cancer. So anyway, this virtual thing was pretty cool, the computer just compiled the scans into a 3D representation of the inside of the lumen, with colour and all! Admittedly it was all pink, but that's still better than nothing. PLUS, I got to see some diverticulae. Unfortunately the 1 cm polyp I was promised did not show up, but that's probably a good thing (for the patient).

The downside is that the colon still has to be pumped full of air and contrast, done via a rectal tube. Believe me, that thing did NOT look friendly. So it's not totally non-invasive. Still, the cosmic ballet...continues. Non sequitur, I know. Oh well. Purple monkey dishwasher.



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