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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I don't know my A-B-C's, back at school's where I should be

Two minor annoyances equal enough material to fill out a blog, and I feel there's been a sufficient temporal gap since the last entry.

Firstly, definite. Definitive. Definitely. Let's not get too carried away with the whole "definate" thing. What is that anyway? Defiant? Defiantly definite?

Lastly, deprivation. Not depravation. Two very different things you see. One comes from deprived, the other depraved. One means lack of something. The other means lack of principle, so I can see where the confusion arose. If you're deprived of depravity I'd say that it's probably a good thing. But if your depravity is being deprived...you need to get out more. Or see a shrink. Or both.

On an unrelated note AMS is the same as it was before, and there's not much to report. Although, the end of AMS looms like the sword of Damacles...[insert dropping of stiletto (the knife, not the shoe) into rubber ducky]. Didn't get that? Think about what I always make references to.
