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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Thursday, November 25, 2004

The answer to all your prayers

Hello again, it may seem unusual that I'm posting two days in a row...but I'm just posting now in reply to all my fanmail! Phew! I'm really flooded with them! Keep up the good work guys, I appreciate it! And I'll keep on appreciating it as long as none of you send me letter bombs or other varieties of threatening letters...

Anyway, here goes with the answers. Jing, why do you think you should have gotten a job earlier? There was exams and uni and all that! So you're forgiven. And I think I wasn't in that chatty a mood yesterday at all!

In case some of you have forgotten, the Simpsons competition (a.k.a. Quotemania) is still going, but no one's gotten the latest quote! Scroll down a bit to see it. Margaret thought it was Bart, but it wasn't. I'm waiting for the right answer here.

Oh, and seeing as Jean's requested a bit of information on army rankings, I might as well delve into other bits of army knowledge I've picked up over my four years as a cadet. But first the ranks (increasing in rank):
  • Private
  • Lance-Corporal
  • Corporal
  • Sergeant
  • Staff Sergeant (I'm not too sure on this one)
  • Warrant Officers (class 1 and 2) a.k.a. Sergeant-Major (I'm not too sure on this one either)
  • 2nd Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant-General
  • Major-General
  • General
  • Field Marshall (in some armies but not the Australian one)

Anyway, something that's been drummed into me by my cadet mentors has been that most of Hollywood is stupid (although it doesn't take a genius to work that out). That is, the use of "over and out" (as is rife throughout movies) is acutally incorrect. For you see, "over" implies the conversation continues whereas "out" means the conversation will be terminated. Now play spot the contradiction. Anyway, to cut a long(er) story short(er) "over" and "out" don't mix. Anyway, there are many, many other radio procedures that have to be followed, but if you're really interested then ask me...otherwise there will be no more on the topic.

Oh and one more thing. In reply to Jean once more: I am aware that blogs don't need to be about what you've done. In fact, I hate having to blog about that. It's so boring to type up and probably is no better to read. Unless of course it was something really totally cool or I have some neat way of making it so...but alas, I've lost my blogging spirit. So much so that I can't even find anything else- frustrations or whatever- to blog about. Absolutely nothing comes to mind...damn...this post is another boring one. I might have to take a break from it all. Go on blogging vacation (I'm not dead, I'm just on vacation!).

Argh alright I'll quit while I'm ahead and bid you all a good life!

To be continued...(perhaps)

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Nothing to say so here goes with some random babblings...

Well, as my title suggests, I once again have nothing to blog about. Perhaps this means I have lost interest in all aspects of life? Hehe, just kidding, I love life (so I have a love life...damn you Warren, so cheesy).

The holidays are just plodding along as holidays tend to do. Um yes, plodding...plodding like a Stegosaurus. See what I mean about having lost the will to blog? Well, due to my loyalties to the newly spirited Blog Army, I wil keep blogging, even if it means boring my legions of adoring fans to death.

So, let's get onto the exciting stuff shall we? Hm, that's all.

Well it has come to this. The boring stuff a.k.a. what's been happening in Wayland's life since last time. Well, not really that boring I hope. At least I had fun. But anyway, Let's think back...can't remember what part of the story I got to last time...but well I went to the zoo with my beloved (as I've been told she- Jing- is known to many) and it was fun! All those animals, quite good. Not enough variety I thought, but good enough and the animals were mostly lively, which was good, considering most of the time they're just standing/lying around not really doing much and scratching themselves in various places...oh don't get me wrong, there was plenty of that as well, but just...less than I'm used to seeing...(see what I mean about the boringness?).

Um...what else...went over to a friend's place today to play some computer games on our laptops...quite unproductive trying to get everything working and solving our various computer problems and incompatabilities...so in the end only squeezed in something like 3 games over 7 hours...hurrah...although that was fun too.

Argh...so bored at the moment...not much chat going on, not doing anything else in case someone starts some interesting conversation. Hm, I'm stuck in limbo!

Hm, I think if I keep up these boring blogs I'll soon be run out of the blogging business by angry mobs and hordes of peasants with pitchforks...Frankenstein style!

Anyway...I don't know if this will be continued any time soon. I've lost my blogging spark I have! No! I can't have! I'm only 18!

To be continued...

Saturday, November 20, 2004

And the story continues...

Ah, I haven’t blogged for a while, and I thought I owed it to all my adoring fans out there to at least make an effort to say something interesting. Well, let’s see, what’s been up in the Wacky World of Wayland Wang lately...

Well okay, since last post, I’ve finished my exams! Yay! What a great feeling! Not really worried about results, I already know I’ve stuffed up one subject, albeit the less important one...Well, moving on, on the day we finished exams, I went out with some friends (Jing wasn’t there unfortunately) to buy presents for other friends. After that were some intense games of mahjong, which I won quite a bit in :D (3 games out of 5, not a bad effort if I don’t say so myself), although some of the others accused me of “playing cheap”, meaning that I didn’t win with big “hands” even though we weren’t playing for money...and I play to win, not to win well :P.

Anyway, on Tuesday...well you can read about that on Jing’s blog, although I didn’t eat that much! But oh, I beat the self-proclaimed master of air hockey at her own game! Hah! I rule...okay, ignore that...I actually am not that good at it...but good enough to beat Jing...sometimes

Well, Wednesday, nothing really apart from what’s already been said, so I won’t waste my precious, precious time (I can do that with such things as Minesweeper).

On to Thursday...not really much...went to a friend’s place; then went to play some pool. All that pool training at uni really paid off! I won a fair bit :D. Then off was I to a friend’s birthday dinner, to which I was almost an hour late...I never knew people could get so angry...wow, that experience really opened my eyes!

And finally Friday (hey cool, alliteration). Well, fun fun fun (but then, how can anything with Jing not be fun?) at Celina’s place with Singstar and a vicious, vicious game of Monopoly (Jing and I kicked ass!). Singing was fun, even though I totally suck at it (and perhaps the others were laughing at me...or maybe with me, seeing as I agree how bad I sing, hehe).

That wraps the story so far, as tightly as one of my Subway Wraps in fact, and maybe even tighter cos...okay I’ll shut up now...


To be continued…

P.S. Here is the new quote:

So many conflicting emotions, how to express them?

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Being thankful

Ah, I look out of my window, and I see the trees and the flowers and the overcast day and I think to myself: gee, I have a lot to be thankful for. Sure, I've made many a blunder (and none bigger than what happened yesterday) and sure, there've been times when I thought the whole world was against me. But in the end, I really do feel like an extremely lucky guy.

What makes me feel so special? Well, I have the BEST girlfriend in the world! Yes, that's right. I love Jing and there's nothing else to it. Yes, that's right. You didn't misread that last bit. I love Jing. She's the most wonderful person in the world! It's true what they say: GREAT things come in small packages.

This one's for you Jing, I love you!

That is all.

To be continued...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Entering a reclusive state...

Yes, that's right. I've decided that my recent lack of productivity is just not on. Hence I have decided to suspend ALL activities bar sleeping, eating and going to the toilet (and those will be the only times I will even venture out of my room). I'm going into a reclusive state of hyper-cramming. Have to get through fourteen week's worth of stuff in two and a bit days...holy shit...

Anyway, this is probably the last quote for the week, still pretty easy I think!

Before we start, we have a lost child here. If she's not claimed within the next hour, she will become property of Blockbuster Entertainment.

Good luck!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A change of pace

Well, well. It seems like my hard work has paid off, and I have won the Mocktion™ for the delightful Jing Wang! Yay! Go me!

In any case, on to the prize. The young lady herself has stated that the winner would be treated to a free dinner, and the details of this have yet to be finalised. But hey, who says no to free food? I'm salivating already...mmm...lobsters...hehe, just joking.

Not much else to say at the moment. I'm currently in the heat of SWOT VAC and yet to start studying my butt off. Um...I really think I've lost my blogging touch. There is still the will to write but gone is the material upon which to build. It must be stress! It must be! Yes! Stress...

I'll have to keep an eye out for any potential blogging topics it seems...so until next time...adios

To be continued...

Monday, November 01, 2004

Let's get this party started

Oh cool, more people joining the competition! Yay!

Okay, Anna got that last one. Well here's the new one, still kind of easy, if you know your stuff.

Yeah. You gotta help us, Doc. We've tried nothin' and we're all out of ideas.

Good guessing everyone!