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My life as a Wayland
Intoxication not advised

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Look who's come crawling back...(that is, me)

Well folks I’m back to my old blog. The other one is temporarily...down due to...complications. In any case, until further notice the other one isn’t going to be posted on! Ah, well if you want to know that badly (geez people no need to threaten lives over it!) I might as well say...yes in a moment of (extreme) rage Jing has removed herself (instead of me, hehe, which she was perfectly able to do) from that blog, and seeing as it was meant to be “The Riveting Lives of Jing and Wayland”, and for the moment it’s just Wayland...well there’s not much point is there? I mean it could be “The Riveting Lives of Wayland and Wayland” but there’s nothing riveting about either of those lives, and this blog does the job fine.

Anyway, to explain my apparent loss of interest in blogging for the past while I could write a whole thesis...but I will spare you folks the details and give the short, summarized version. So here it is:

Well it all start way back, in 1986, when a healthy baby boy was born slightly premature on Chinese New Year Day (that is, February the 9th for 1986 and will be so again in 2046...that is when I will be 60). The parents of this boy lived in a small flat in the outskirts of the great city Beijing (the capital city of the People’s Republic of China) and...

Ok just kidding! I wasn’t really­ going to tell you my life story (yes that shall be saved for another time...muhahaha). Anyway back to my explanation: I couldn’t be bothered...I just haven’t been in the mood for it. So there. Case closed.

Well to fill you guys in on the details of what you’ve missed would take way too much explanation and to be honest...this isn’t the right time for it. I’m sure most of you know what’s happening anyway...so I won’t waste my pixels. If you bug me enough...I may just budge...or just knock you out to shut you up (ok maybe not, but I can always ask one of my friends to do it for me...)

That’s it for another post! Don’t look away, or you may miss the next post! Oh yes, of course, the real reason that none of you have seen any posts on here recently is that I’ve been writing them and then deleting them about an hour later...yes of course...I’m not lying. See? I’m not some really lazy bugger after all! The lesson to be learnt from this is: post more comments on my blogs or stay here 24/7 (else you will suffer my nagging...)! Yes I want more support people! Don’t we all want to feel loved?


P.S. You can comment on anything you'd like! It doesn't even need to be relevant! Randomness would bring a refreshing breeze (and relevant ones would bring a soothing wind). So comment! Even if it's to correct my grammar/spelling...I don't mind! Really! Even if you say "Oh Wayland is the suckiest sucker who ever did suck" I'll be happy! Comment! Please...can't you see I'm on my knees (ok not really).

To be continued...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The merging of the shadows

Okay I think my title was a bit too melodramatic. But the topic of this post...is that I have a new blog...one shared with Jing.

Here is it's address: http://arivetingread.blogspot.com

In case you missed it here it is again: http://arivetingread.blogspot.com

And again: http://arivetingread.blogspot.com

One more time: http://arivetingread.blogspot.com

Get the point? Visit it!


P.S. Jing says: "I lied in my last post...my favourite colour is PINK! "

P.P.S. Why are you still looking at this blog? Go check out the new one already! http://arivetingread.blogspot.com

P.P.P.S. Go! Now! Go! http://arivetingread.blogspot.com

My name is Wayland...or is it?

Hello ppl!!! It is I, the almighty Wayland Wang...ruler of er...the WORLD (duh, what else?)
Anywho! Just a teeny weeny announcement to make...my name is Wayland and i LOVE the colour PINK!
(look i know it says that "JingleBells" posted this below but REALLY, it's ME! Waylay! why don't u ppl believe me???)

Monday, August 09, 2004

HP reading: putting the "racy" in "literacy"

Oh yeah that HP reading is really enthralling isn’t it (I’m sure all my fellow meddies agree with me there...)! It really engages the mind and encapsulates the spirit...er...yeah.

Well in case you didn’t realize, I was only joking. Reading that HP crap is boring. Very boring. Very, extremely boring. Very, extremely, monotonously boring (yes I’m aware of the tautology...I don’t care!). Anyway I’m nearly bored to tears over here (literally...you know, from all that yawning). So, shock horror, I’ve made a third post in as many days!

Anyway...I probably should give up (or at least reduce) my staple diet of MSN, it’s depriving me of my recommended daily intake of study (yes I know I’m a nerd...so what!).

Well that’s it for another post. This may the only one this week. Depends if my “resolution” works out or not. Anyway it’s back to the books for me! Oh, and I’ve decided not to use my MSN font any more...oh the temptation...*sigh*...

To be continued...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

I'm at a loss for a title...had an idea before but now I've forgotten...

Ah, it’s that time again kids! Yes that’s right...it’s quite late (well not really but then...it used to be) at night so there’s not much to do when one is bored. Hence you get to be graced (hehe, maybe it should be cursed) with another of my wonderful (horrible) posts! Yay (boo)!

Moving forwards, not backwards, upwards, not forwards and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom...(don’t worry if you don’t get it...it's Simpsons related).

Anyway, not much has happened since yesterday...went over to a friend’s place for sushi (yes, we made it...and it was good...well not really we, it was really only a couple of my friends while the rest of us sat around eating his food and playing cards). Well actually I can’t say I was totally lazy...I did help wash the dishes (while Jing watched and sighed...ok maybe she didn’t sigh...did she? I forget). So, right now I’m getting that guilty feeling creeping up on me...and frankly, I don’t know why I’m blogging. Oh well, no one’s complained about any of the stuff I’ve written so far, so maybe I’ll continue...

*muffled groans from the audience in the background*

Well...that’s all I can think to write today. Well I’m managing to do a couple of posts a week. Not bad for a recently recovered couldn’titis sufferer is it? No, of course it isn’t! (Now to apply my cure to some other people I know...)

To be continued...

Saturday, August 07, 2004

One week closer to freedom

I’m blogging again...you know what that means!

Actually this time I’m not bored, but decided to blog anyway for the sake of it. Well, I’ve got to keep my promises don’t I? Yes I’ve found a whole myriad of other activities that can keep me from boredom (now if only I can remember what they were...other than calling a certain special someone...)

Anyway onto that everlasting update to my not-so-pathetic-anymore life. The past week has been...interesting. Interspersed between (brief) bouts of studiousness have been numerous fun activities. Like on Tuesday, went to get ice cream. And Thursday, I went to watch Shaolin Soccer with beloved Jing. Oh boy is it a great movie or what! The action, the fight scenes, the oh-so-corny special effects and general unashamed cheesiness (I mean...Team Evil...how...original)! Yes it’s definitely one of the better movies I’ve seen thus far!

Oh, and to keep up my normal habits (that is copy...or "steal" as many call it...people) I have decided to copy Jing and use my MSN font, so you can all admire its boldness and very Wayland-like qualities (Jing said it, not me). So there! Oh, and just as a side note if the font comes out as "Times New Roman" it's because you don't have my font...so get it, since you're missing out on so much (I'm sure my MSN buddies agree)!

Well that’s all I can think of writing at the moment, and I’ve got better things to do. People to see, places to go you know (well not really...but it doesn’t hurt to fantasise does it...). Well...bye!

To be continued...