Look who's come crawling back...(that is, me)
Anyway, to explain my apparent loss of interest in blogging for the past while I could write a whole thesis...but I will spare you folks the details and give the short, summarized version. So here it is:
Well it all start way back, in 1986, when a healthy baby boy was born slightly premature on Chinese New Year Day (that is, February the 9th for 1986 and will be so again in 2046...that is when I will be 60). The parents of this boy lived in a small flat in the outskirts of the great city Beijing (the capital city of the People’s Republic of China) and...
Ok just kidding! I wasn’t really going to tell you my life story (yes that shall be saved for another time...muhahaha). Anyway back to my explanation: I couldn’t be bothered...I just haven’t been in the mood for it. So there. Case closed.
Well to fill you guys in on the details of what you’ve missed would take way too much explanation and to be honest...this isn’t the right time for it. I’m sure most of you know what’s happening anyway...so I won’t waste my pixels. If you bug me enough...I may just budge...or just knock you out to shut you up (ok maybe not, but I can always ask one of my friends to do it for me...)
That’s it for another post! Don’t look away, or you may miss the next post! Oh yes, of course, the real reason that none of you have seen any posts on here recently is that I’ve been writing them and then deleting them about an hour later...yes of course...I’m not lying. See? I’m not some really lazy bugger after all! The lesson to be learnt from this is: post more comments on my blogs or stay here 24/7 (else you will suffer my nagging...)! Yes I want more support people! Don’t we all want to feel loved?
P.S. You can comment on anything you'd like! It doesn't even need to be relevant! Randomness would bring a refreshing breeze (and relevant ones would bring a soothing wind). So comment! Even if it's to correct my grammar/spelling...I don't mind! Really! Even if you say "Oh Wayland is the suckiest sucker who ever did suck" I'll be happy! Comment! Please...can't you see I'm on my knees (ok not really).
To be continued...